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一道小学题能看看你小孩的数学潜力 - 答案和感想
送交者: 孺将 2008年04月25日11:37:35 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

前几位父母的答案是对的 (32). 画图也可以得出正确答案,但只有数字简单时好用.

The official explanation given by Beestar.org is

The ratio between the red marbles and the white marbles was 3:1 at the beginning. After 24 red marbles were removed, the ratio was 9:4. So the number of removed red marbles represented (3-9/4) = 3/4 of the white marbles. Hence the number of white marbles was 24 ÷ (3/4) = 32.


Assuming the child is a fifth or sixth grader in US.

The child solved the problem correctly by himself (not guessing): top 5%

The child solved the problem correctly with some hint from parent: top 10%

The child could not solve the problem, but eventually understood the parent's thorough explanation and could apply it to similar problems: top 30%

The child mostly understood parent's explanation, but could not apply the logic to solve similar problems: top 50%

The child found the solution too hard to understand despite explanations: top 70%

Neither the child nor the parent could solve the problem: the rest.

我小学五年级时是班上的数学尖子.象这样的题见多了.做起来小菜一碟. 我想现在国内好小学的五年级学生应有一半能解这样的问题. 但在美国我们的孩子虽已在班上数一数二,可实际上与我们以前和现在国内的学生水平差得很远. 我们的孩子都很聪明, 但在学校学到的数学真是太少了. 如果他们象周围老美那样跟着学校上, 等走上将来更全球化的社会, 他们绝不是中国印度那些 sharp kids的对手. 我自己很忙,不可能整天教小孩数学,只能找几个好的program, 让孩子多参与. 尽力而为了.

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