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When Dad is Not at Home
送交者: 风轻云淡 2008年09月28日14:20:23 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

Dad was away for more then 6 weeks and my Mum was very unwell. She could not do anything so I had to do everything. That included cooking, mowing the grass, hovering, cleaning and most importantly, caring for my Mum. Therefore, I had very little time to myself as I was always busy with something. Sometimes I felt really quite frustrated because I couldn’t go out with my friends or play on the computer as my Mum required my constant attention. But I was always able block out that feeling because as I always thought back to the things that my Mum has done for me.

After about 2 weeks, my Mum’s condition dramatically improved. She was able to slowly walk in the garden and in the supermarket for a short time. We would phone dad often using the computer. I would tell him about how I would mow the grass when Mum was sleeping and how I had to cook. But there were some days where Mum couldn’t even get out of bed. Nevertheless she would be up on her feet really quickly.

In the first week when I back to school, Mum decided to try to drive short distances. That Saturday, I had a band rehearsal with the City of Belfast Concert Band. Mum offered to drive me there and I agreed. So we got into the car but it wouldn’t start! The engine turned over and over but it just refused to start. The battery was flat after not being running on the road for two months! So we tried to jump start it; I pushed it down the driveway, while Mum kept trying to start the engine. But that didn’t work so we were stuck in the middle of the road with the rain pouring down out side. I had no choice but to push the car onto the neighbours lawn, as the road wasn’t wide enough for it to turn. Then a car turned on to the road. The driver stopped to ask us what was happening. We told him that the car was out of battery and we don’t have a jump lead. He said that he had one so we finally managed to start the car. He told us to drive non-stop for a while to charge the battery. We thanked him and drove down to where the band was rehearsing. Since then, Mum sits back behind the wheel.

If Dad was at home, it would have been very different. But it was a really good experience overall and I did enjoy most of it.  I only did this for around 6 weeks. I can’t imagine how hard it was for my parents caring for me for all of my life.

  夸一下宝贝JJMM的好宝贝儿子!  /无内容 - JTL 10/03/08 (140)
  How old is your son?  /无内容 - xiaoxiao2006 10/03/08 (185)
    大宝弟弟说的很对 - 风轻云淡 10/01/08 (311)
      我看见他写的那几句就笑了, - 笑菡 10/01/08 (304)
        很professional呢 - 风轻云淡 10/01/08 (273)
          我想,他的意思是喜欢哥哥写了那么多Details - siuhan 10/01/08 (279)
            一样的,写完觉得短, 凑出来的 - 风轻云淡 10/02/08 (200)
            ID 多了真麻烦. :-)  /无内容 - siuhan 10/01/08 (196)
    :) - layworld 09/30/08 (964)
      :-) - 笑菡 10/01/08 (186)
        收到... :) - layworld 10/02/08 (162)
  你的儿子真好. - twocent 09/30/08 (223)
    谢谢 - 风轻云淡 09/30/08 (197)
      我也正想问你呢:) - twocent 09/30/08 (187)
        太好了!跟菡姐姐学样 - 风轻云淡 10/01/08 (198)
        嘿嘿, 恭喜恭喜! :-)  /无内容 - 笑菡 10/01/08 (174)
  是个好孩子:) - 三月梅 09/30/08 (251)
    谢谢三阿姨夸奖 - 风轻云淡 09/30/08 (232)
  What a nice son.... - layworld 09/29/08 (292)
    谢谢鼓励 - 风轻云淡 09/29/08 (262)
      她剛剛把信讀書了一邊  /无内容 - layworld 09/29/08 (200)
        她刚刚把你儿子的文章读了一遍, - layworld 09/29/08 (205)
          告诉儿子妹妹会看他写的 - 风轻云淡 09/30/08 (220)
            刚刚给她弄了个信箱... - layworld 09/30/08 (213)
              真是过奖了 - 风轻云淡 09/30/08 (212)
                :) - layworld 09/30/08 (171)
                  让他们互相comment - 风轻云淡 10/01/08 (208)
  儿子写的  /无内容 - 风轻云淡 09/29/08 (198)
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