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Magic Pine Tree
送交者: 草梅 2003年12月18日11:53:34 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

Magic Pine Tree

One snowy Christmas Eve a girl named Natalie was at home doing an art craft.Then she looked over her shoulder; the mail had arrived. Her mother went to get it and said Natalie, you have mail! Yay ! Natalie cheered. Nataliecarefully opened the gold, green and red striped envelope with her pinkie.Mom, mom quick! What? Natalie mom asked. Read it! Natalie ordered.OK, she said. Dear Natalie, this Christmas Im very sick. So, I cantdeliver presents. Sincerely Santa Cla- What?! Natalie yelled. Natalieopened the door then slammed it shut. Sadly she went in the woods. Its justnot fair, its just not fair. Whats not fair? A strange voice said.Natalie spun around. Behind her stood a small pine tree stood there smiling at her. Natalie told the tree all the details. Oh, the tree said. Well, I cantell you a secret. The tree took a deep breath. Im magic. Nataliegasped. You are? The tree nodded his branches. Well, Natalie said canyou make Santa better? OK, the tree replied. Early the next Christmasmorning Natalie woke up and had a present and a card from Santa. This time the card said Dear Natalie, thank you for getting me better. I have a specialpresent for you. Love Santa.

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