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女儿的章回小说(二)(CHAPTER BOOK 2)
送交者: 楚柴 2004年02月02日17:08:50 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

女儿写下了她的第二“本”章回小说。没看过第一“本”的坛友可能需要一点解释。上一“本”讲七个彩虹女孩的第一次战斗,题目就是“Rainbow Girls and the First Battle"。后来又加上了一个粉色女孩,这“本”里又出现了金色女孩,所以现在有九个女孩了。女儿打算继续写,下一“本”叫“Rainbow Girls and the Haunted Arcade”。我有点担心她可能会驾驭不了太长的情节,保持完整统一的故事。或许会有点信马由缰,只能是偶尔提醒一下,但不敢阻止她的想象力“奔驰”。什么时候打住也不知道,说不好什么时候改主意了又写别的什么也未可知。

Rainbow Girls and the Lost Treasure

Chapter 1 One day Melanie and the others were at the mall. “Cool!” Whispered Lisa. She saw a green nutcracker. “Let’s go.” Giggled Emma. Down the stairs they went. When they got to the bottom, they fell through a hole. All of them landed on a pillow. “Hi!” Shouted Larry. “Today your mission is to find a lost treasure.” Said Larry. “Who is our enemy?” Asked Sarah. “Captain Brown. He is looking for the treasure too.” Answered Larry. “Uh oh.” Thought Madison.

Chapter 2 “Bye!” Down they went to Captain Brown’s ship. “Eeek!” Screeched Emma. Bonk! Pirates were all around the girls. Captain Brown walked in between the pirates. He threw the girls off board. Madison saw a golden key. She picked it up and put it in her pocket. They swam through the ocean.

Chapter 3 Once they went on shore, Madison showed them the key. “Now the treasure.” Snickered Eliza. “Water Gun!” Emma was shooting up in the air. “Jump up!” She screamed. Everyone jumped up. Each one of them held each other’s legs. “Full speed ahead!” Shouted Melanie. Whoosh! They went and passed the pirate ship, onto another island. They went down. Soon, they were lying on the sand.

Chapter 4 They stood up. “ Where are we?” Asked Ruth Rose. “My watch says we have a new power. Mine is Rainbow Double Kick. Sarah’s is Cherry Crash. Ruth Rose’s is Orange Blast. Eliza’s sunburn. Lisa is Grass Pins. Emma’s is Sky Fall. Sparkle’s is Grape Tornado. Madison’s is Flower Twirl.”

Chapter 5 “Let’s search.” They saw palm trees, butterflies, golden flowers, and a house in the island. Sparkle looked inside the house. “Come here.” She whispered. They gathered around Sparkle. Inside there were a golden girl and her mother. She said,“Probably there are people out there. I want to meet them.” Her mother said,“Okay dear.” The door went open. There stood the golden girl. “Would you like to be Gold Girl?” Asked Eliza. “Yes!” Said the girl. “My name is Carson.”

Chapter 6 “Follow me.” Carson screamed. All of them followed Carson. She led them to an “x” on the ground. Sarah gasped. “What?” Carson asked. “This is the treasure!” Sarah finally said. “Get some shovels and a rope.” Lisa said quickly. Carson ran home and ran back with nine shovels and a rope. “Start digging!” Yelled Ruth Rose. They dug and dug until they hit something.

Chapter 7 “Treasure!” Shouted Sparkle. “I think I know how to get the treasure out.” Said Melanie. She dug around the treasure and tied the rope on the treasure. “Pull!” Melanie screamed. They pulled the rope until the treasure was at their feet. Madison got the golden key out, and put the key inside the keyhole. The lid slowly opened.

Chapter 8 Inside was a gun. Melanie picked it up. On it said, “This shoots everything.” “Cool!” Thought Eliza. “I got a bag.” Said Carson. Melanie put the gun in the bag. When they got to the edge of the island, they met pirates. “Shoot nets!” Yelled Lisa. The gun shot out a ball. The ball exploded, then the nets came out and caught the pirates,including Captain Brown. “Grr!” He grumbled.

Chapter 9 “Let’s roll them in the water!” Carson said when she was rubbing her hands. Every girl put their hands on a net. Then they rolled the nets into the water. “Aaaa!” Yelled Captain Brown. The girls winked at each other. “Now shoot a whale!” Shouted Lisa. First a little blue thing came out, then an eye, next a whale popped out. “Jump on!” The whale seemed to say. So they jumped on the whale.

Chapter 10 “Great job! Did you bring the treasure?” Larry questioned. “Yes.” The girls said together.” “Aaaaa. You’re first weapon.” Larry said softly. “Bye." Then they went back home.

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