女儿的章回小说(一) |
送交者: 楚柴 2004年02月02日17:08:50 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
草梅女儿写的作文好,于是印出来给女儿看。特别指出她用词好,不是满篇“SAID”“ASKED”“ANSWERED”,而是用不同的词表达说话时的动作和情绪等等。女儿是“孺子可教也”,花了这个假期写了篇“章回小说”(CHAPTER BOOK),不过一章也就是一个自然段而已,用词上果然有些变化。我说你这CHAPTER BOOK也忒短点儿,她说没关系,写着写着就会写长了,以后写四五十个CHAPTER,跟“哈利波特”似的。小孩子的不知天高地厚竟至如此。仔细看了看,发现似乎有些小漏洞,于是写下几个问题在后面,她口头作答,我给记了下来。思维的跳跃明显可见,不过有些这样“意识流”似的随兴所至不是坏事,就让她信马由缰吧。我觉得好玩的部分是那个“小黑孩”明知“敌人”上了门还让她们在宫里睡了一觉再战。 Rainbow Girls and the First Battle Chapter1 One day a girl named Melanie was at chemistry class working on a project with her group. She put a drop of Mercury and “poof” they were gone. The next thing they saw was a man named Larry. He said, “Welcome girls! You are going to be superheroes.” They gasped. “Who is the leader?” He asked. Melanie spoke up, “I am the leader.” Melanie was Rainbow Girl. Sarah was Red Girl. Ruth Rose was Orange Girl. Eliza was Yellow Girl. Lisa was Green Girl. Emma was Blue Girl. Sparkle was Purple Girl. Chapter 2 “Today you have a mission. Find and defeat Bad Boy Black.” Larry demanded. “Who is Bad Boy Black?” They asked. “You will see.” He whispered. He pressed a button. Then the girls fell through a hole. Melanie and Lisa looked forward. They were in a tube that led to Bad Boy Black’s palace. Chapter 3 Sarah screamed. “Aaaaaaa!” Emma covered her ears. Then they were out of the tube. Melanie looked at their powers. Each of them had one. Melanie shouted. “My power is Rainbow Scratch. Sarah’s power is Apple Throw. Ruth Rose’s power is Carrot Leach Life. Eliza’s power is Stun Spore. Lisa’s power is Tree Punch. Emma’s power is Water Gun. Sparkle’s power is Eggplant Kick.” Chapter 4 They galloped until they reached the palace’s door. Melanie thought for a minute. She asked Lisa to use Tree Punch at the door. Lisa answered, “Yes,” and gave the door a great big punch. Suddenly, the door cracked open. Crack! There stood a black boy. He grumbled and screamed. “What do you want from me?” Sparkle shouted, “We want to fight you!” He added, “Tomorrow. Today you may sleep here. We have a room for you.” Sarah sighed, “Okay.” Chapter 5 He showed them their room. The room was a big one with six colored beds. Girls ran to their colored bed except Melanie. She looked everywhere for her bed. “Where is my bed?” She asked. “It’s right here,” he answered. “My real name is Sammy.” Sammy pulled over a curtain of the wall. There stood the most beautiful bed ever seen. “Wow!” Melanie shouted. Chapter 6 Sammy showed them every room in the palace. Then it was night. Ruth Rose yawned. They all went to sleep. Early the next morning, Sammy called to his army “Get ready!” He did it so loud that the girls woke up. Melanie said to the girls, “It’s fight time!” They went through a password door. “Win.” Eliza whispered. Chapter 7 The door opened very slowly. They stepped outside. Sammy shouted, “We will do this one by one!” Sarah went first. She reached into her pocket. Out came an apple seed. Sarah planted it in the ground. Then the tree grew. She reached inside the tree and giggled, “Apple Throw!” POW! Out came apples. They hit ten people in the army. “Ha!” Sarah said. Chapter 8 Next was Ruth Rose. She also reached into her pocket. Out came carrots. Ruth Rose threw them at the army. The carrots sucked seven people, which was enough to give each of the girls their energy back. “Thanks!” Melanie cried. “Jeez,” Sammy thought. Some eyes peeked through the apple tree. “Wow!" Somebody whispered. Chapter 9 Eliza went next. “Stun Spore!” She yelled. Yellow dust rose into the air. Nine people stopped moving. “Grr,” Sammy grumbled. Then, Eliza gave one of the paralyzed people a tap on the nose and they all fell down. Crash! “Eggplant Kick!” Sparkle shouted. Bam! “Super!” Somebody whispered. She jumped out. “My name is Madison. I am Pink Girl. I also want to help.” “Wow!” Melanie laughed. Chapter 10 “I’m going next.” Madison said. “Pink Earthquake!” She yelled. Crack! Zigzag line circled around the army. “Whoops!” Giggled Emma. “Waaaa!” Cried the army. “Welcome home!” Shouted Larry. “I’m impressed!” He gave each of them a bar of Hershey’s Chocolate. “Bye!” Larry sighed. They all went home.
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