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Rainbow Girls and the Haunted Arcade
送交者: 楚柴 2004年03月04日10:54:52 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

和前两回不太一样,这篇好像有点松散。主要我也没有每天盯着她挑毛病,提问题,所以有点信马由缰。不过让她“跳跃”着思维似乎也还算正常。看作文的内容,倒是发现不少是她平时阅读观察的结果和她的所思所想:KEY WEST是读书知道的;信用卡自然是看大人常用知道的(她就一直梦想有张信用卡,一刷就可以买任何东西);坐飞机是去年回国的经验,嚼口香糖是当时为了预防起飞和降落时耳朵难受;飞机上用电脑自然也是她观察的结果;参观美术馆是每次出远门玩的固定节目;最后“下次去中国”的计划无疑是打算把她中国行的经验和想象揉合起来。

顺便说一句,本文已获得女儿授权在网上发表,所以版权不是问题(其实是她让我发的,她总想听听别的孩子怎么说,如草梅的女儿,加愚的儿子,二蛋,等。她看到其他孩子的文章也很感兴趣,总有点想与之比比的劲头,我觉得应当鼓励,于是不畏“SHOW OFF”的砖头把它贴上来)。

Rainbow Girls and the Haunted Arcade

Chapter 1 On Children’s Day, the girls were in an airport so they could go to Key West, Florida to spend October. “Just think of what we can do,” dreamed Carson. “I hope we could buy something with these credit cards,” thought Eliza. “Key West, Florida!” The manager called. “There’s our trip!” Cackled Madison. They pulled their suitcases on to the airplane. It was a very big airplane so all the girls got to sit together in rainbow order.

Chapter 2 “Let’s chew gum.” Emma said, and got rainbow gum out of her suitcase. She handed everyone a piece of gum. The plane was just about to fly. Vroom! Ruth Rose took a nap. Sparkle showed Madison how to play her laptop computer without electricity. After a few hours they were at Key West.

Chapter 3 “Yay!” Emma said. When they got out of the airport, they smelled barbecue. “Come on gals.” Melanie said firmly. They went into Florida Hotel. The biggest room in the hotel had 9 beds, a TV, a radio, and a desk. All of them started doing their homework. Just then it was time to swim!

Chapter 4 At the ocean, the girls had lots of fun until a shark came by. “Grass Pins!” Lisa yelled. Some grass nearby began floating to the shark. The grass chased the shark away. “Yay!” The people cheered. The first day had been great. At night, Melanie read “Charlotte’s Web” while Sarah played “Clue Jr.” with Ruth Rose. The others watched “Lizzie McGuire.”

Chapter 5 Next morning, the girls were going to Florida Museum of Art. Carson brought their camera to take pictures of art. Inside the museum they saw lots of pictures hanged on the wall. That night they went to a friend’s house. They spent the night there and they could go to an arcade tomorrow.

Chapter 6 On Wednesday, the girls went to the arcade. They had so much fun until it was night. Ninjas came out. Carson went up. “Golden Beam.” She said quietly. A golden light started to glow. The glow went towards the ninjas, but it caught nine. “Rainbow Double Kick!” Melanie gave two of the ninjas a big kick.

Chapter 7 “Sun Burn, Sky Fall, Grape Tornado, Flower Twirl, and Orange Blast!” Eliza, Emma, Sparkle, Madison, and Ruth Rose said together. A purple tornado came by, with flowers on the top, then they saw the tornado turn blue. Orange-yellow fireworks popped outside the tornado. “Duck!” Screamed Sarah.

Chapter 8 The tornado blew the ninjas away. Then a voice came from behind the golf game. “I am the Ghost of the Arcade.” The voice said. “Stuns Pore, Carrot Leach Life, Apple Throw, Cherry Crash, Rainbow Scratch, Water Gun!” Eliza, Ruth Rose, Sarah, Melanie, and Emma yelled together.

Chapter 9 A black cloud came by. It rained yellow dust, carrots, apples, cherries, rainbow lines, and water. “Ou!” Said the ghost. “I am Bad Boy Black! You beat me!” The ghost ran off crying. At Halloween, the girls dressed in rainbow clothing. They got a lot of candy, especially Kit Kats and Hershey bars. Chapter 10 Back at school they wrote a survey and got A+! The next time they plan to go to China for all the places they will go. “Good!” Thought Larry. He planed to give them the gun but he didn’t. “Dad! They beat me!” It was Sammy. He was in a hospital. “It’s all right.” Larry whispered.

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