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送交者: 天边的红霞 2012年08月13日04:47:27 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话


Mon., July 16, 2012

      The first thing that we did this morning was to learn how to dance "Wells Fargo Wagon" in "The Music Man Jr.". Well, it wasn't really dancing. I felt more like walking around in the right style, which was lame, boring and dull. The only significant thing was that I sang with my pals in trio. We did that all morning long.

      Break passed so swiftly that I had to gallop to Room 150 to practice "Ice Cream". Three minutes later, we were called to the theater for "Rock Island". After the junior camp saw it, they sat there gaping in awe.

      Before headed for home, I saw a script left in a seat of the theater. There was a picture of Marian who played Zaneeta Shinn, an older daughter ofRiverCitymayor inMusicMan.I ran and caught her opening a locked door to the Cafeteria.





Tues., July 17, 2012

      This morning it was extremely exciting and exhausting. We played from "Iowa Stubborn" to "Till There Was You". In the meanwhile, we had to learn the chase scene. It was really complicated. The cast was running at the top speed in pell-mell direction.  It seemed to go on for ever. The director called it organized chaos.

      Finally we had break which looked as if it would never come. My bag of SunChips tasted more salty than I usually expected it. That was why I drank half of my water bottle in one breath.

      I went inside to see the people in the costumes. My favorite was Ivy who played the conductor on the train to "Rock Island". He wore a oversized blue leather coat with a black shirt inside. Two rows of gold buttons (fake) down the side. His black pants covered his shoes completely.

      I didn't do much after the costumes. Instead, I just sat back stage. But when Marian, main actress and Harold, main actor KISSED, everyone cheered so loud that it hurt my eardrums. We were lucky that the junior campers didn't see us.






Wed., July 18, 2012

      The teacher asked us to run Act 2 of "The Music Man Jr.". It was extremely slow. Once I had to sit back on stage, my legs couldn't sustain my weight anymore. Unfortunately, the scene changed. The thing I was sitting on was a prop. It was moved onto the stage afterwards.

      By the time the break came, I was staving to death. I gulped down with my bag of SunChips. Then I had plenty of time watching Jason on his iPhone.

      It was awesome when we saw Bill do the side effects during practice. Although a few of mistakes happened, there wasn't anything that could spoil this day!!





Thurs., July 19, 2012

      I got there almost 20 minutes early this morning. When our camp started, I had already read my whole script and made a paper cup for fun.

      Today we ran Act 1 of "The Music Man Jr.". "Rock Island" was my favorite. I was exhausted and my legs got more painful every step I took. It was because we were on a train when played in "Rock Island". On the train, it's supposed to be bumpy. So we had to bounce the whole time. Not until the break in 10 minutes later, the teacher made us to keep doing it over and over again, except "Pick-a-Little" ladies.

      After break, we learned the bows. People were split into 9 groups. The most important went the last. I was in the 4TH group.





Fri., July 20, 2012

      It became a damp, pouring and rainy day, the worst way to start our first run. I was soaking wet and dripping with rain drops. However, my brand new shoes were not ruined. To my relief, they behaved like a pair of water-proof boots and weren't as soggy as me. There was a delay this morning because the councilors came all late.

      We had a 5 minute break listening to Beth, our stage director. He told us to bring a towel for the show. So when we ate snacks, the towel protected the costume from crumbs that wouldn't get to touch it directly.

      We finished the run 10 minutes late. So people in Pick-Ups were dismissed first, which was very rare. The councilors thought wrong about being late. As a matter of fact, we were released even earlier than usual. Mom surprised to see us all waiting outside for pickup. It was 6 minutes ahead.

      Before we left, we all said goodbye to one of our councilors, Eric who was leaving for good. He used to be a leader in logistics and always carried his laptop to work on.














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