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儿子(7。5岁)的游记习作:The Blue Mountain
送交者: 阿微 2004年04月07日19:02:14 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

儿子从小爱写。一年级有个好老师,对他的写作帮助很大。他的作文进步飞快。到了二年级换了个老师,什么也不管。眼看他的作文水平止步不前,老师不管只好我来管,规定他每周两篇日记。半年下来日记本写光了,也还是不见长进。最近改了规则,一周只写一篇,让他自己用MICROSOFT WORD 打,写完了改,满意为止。终於初见成效,他自己也写得更带劲些。贴一篇他的近作。

The Blue Mountain

On March 22nd, 2004 I had a tour to the Blue Mountain located west of Sydney, Australia. My family rode on the tour bus. The bus driver drove for about 40 minutes. We took a break at a playground where my sister and I played for a while. There were two pairs of thick rope. I got on one pair and walked across holding a bar.

Shortly, we had to get back on the bus. It drove for 20 minutes, and then we came to a wild life park. My sister and I petted kangaroos and koalas. We also got to see beautiful birds with wings and bodies filled with bright colors. We had a great time enjoying the Australian native animals!

Then came the big time to see the mountain! We drove for another 30 minutes. Before I knew it, we were already in the mountain! We hiked and explored the mountain for an hour, following the trail built with hundreds of steps going up and down. I saw a beautiful waterfall. There were many plants on the side. I also passed something really cool. A huge rock was on the top and another huge rock was on the bottom. My sister and I both sat in between the rocks. My dad thought it was so cool that he took a picture of us.

The highest point of the mountain was 3,500 feet! The peak didn’t look like a triangle as I thought. It looked like a giant rock in a square shape with old wrinkles. The height I climbed was about 200 feet! I got to go on a curvy cliff. Luckily there were fences to prevent me from falling off. From the cliff, the trees down in the valley looked like flat bushes.

The hiking made us very hungry so we went to a revolving restaurant. After lunch, my family and I took a cable car down the mountain to a rainforest. Riding in the cable car felt like I was flying very sluggishly above lots of trees and plants on the mountain. We took a short walk in the rainforest where we saw trees with fern on top of them. They were called fern trees. After the walk, a train took us back up. The train went up on a steep part of the mountain, which made it an exciting ride.

Then, the bus driver drove us to the famous three sister’s pillars that lay on the edge of the mountain. It looked liked a brown top of a Cumulus cloud with three sharp and hard puffs really close together! The bus driver told us a legend: Once upon a time, there lived a man and his three daughters. The man had a magic wand. One day, for fun, he turned himself into a bird and turned his daughters into rocks. When he was flying, he accidentally dropped the magic wand into the valley. Today the three sisters still lay there and the man who is now a bird is still looking for the magic wand hoping to turn himself and his daughters back to normal!

After this, it was time to go back to our hotel.

I was really tired, on the way back to Sydney I was sssooouuunnd asleep on the bus.

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