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The contributions by gd2 on family financial plan
送交者: KKMom 2004年06月22日17:54:13 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

mainly focused on macroeconomics. What we are caring about is down-to-the earth step-by-step advises. To go to this direction, I like to start with a few things I have thought about and hope we can share all your expertise too.

1) Buy big house.

House is not only a shelter, it is an investment. With the benefit of tax, low interest rate, appreciation in value (huge in some areas), and a comfy living, it is a win-win situation. There's a reputation of Chinese for buying big houses compare with similar American families. I don't think this is vanity. The money you put into the house will pay back eventually. If the big chunk of the money didn't go to the house, it will go to some places unnoticeable.

2) Invest maximum to your tax exempt retirement fund.

These are what people think about retirement:
(1) always has Social Security to count on
(2) need less money
(3) children will help out if…
All those are not so true.
(1) SS is in big trouble now, you can not count on it in 20-30 years later.
(2) You may need more money after retirement. If you are in good health you may want more travels, develop more hobbies. Or, you may need money to take care of your health - medicine, nursing home for example.
(3) We don't want to add burden to our kids. Period.
So saving enough for yourself is a saving for everyone in the family.

3) Invest enough for college.

There are a few options available. I myself like 529 better than others. The pros are:
(1) state tax exempt
(2) it is under parent's name which means it count less when calculation for financial aid.
(3) allow more savings.

4) Live like a rich.

With the money left after all the investments you can live like a rich by shopping smart. Buy good quality stuff on sale. It was reported that more and more middle class started to buy used luxury cars. After 2-3 years, the luxury car prices drop dramatically while the quality and appearance are still good.

Please add on more if you interested in this topic.

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