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送交者: 草梅 2004年06月30日17:22:38 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话


The Three Little Pig Two In Ryming Words Just For You

Three little pigs went out one day,
Over the hills and far away,
Mother pig said,
“Please go right now,
I’m going to die, anyhow.”

The poor little pigs went to a tree,
To think about how their houses will be.

First one said, “Look at that stick,
That’s the kind of house I pick.”

Second one said, ‘Look at that straw,
I can make that as pretty as I can draw.”

Third one said, “You stupid little pigs,
You can’t make houses out of straw or twigs.”

“I’m going to make mine out of bricks,
Much more stronger then straw or sticks.”

Even though he bragged to me and you,
What he said was very true.

One day the wolffie came,
To give the pigs a little game.

First he came to little pig one,
and said, “I’m going to go and get this job done.”

After gulping piggy one down,
He went looking for the other piggy, on the other side of town.

After finding little piggy two,
He said, “Just look at what I can do!”

And then he went looking for the third one,
Finishing his job to make it done.

“This isn’t as easy as straw or sticks,
My, it’s made out of bricks!”

Finally, he gave in and said, “You win.”
“But one day you’ll get my sin!”

And then he climbed to the roof,
And thought, I can go down in a POOF!!!

But little piggy 3, was making some stew,
So, when the wolfie came, he’d fall in the stew for me and you.

So, down he sled from the roof,
And he did go down in a POOF!!

Slided down, “Wheeeee!”
But he missed, slightly.

He’s still alive after eating one and two,
Next time maybe he’ll E A T ….. YOU!!!

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