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what's your logic?
送交者: xi11west 2008月10月07日11:16:12 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Did you make a living on that?usedpen 于 2008-10-06 13:56:20
It's ridiculous to say I'm making a living on that in a science related thread, which unfortunately reflects your poor ability in logical thinking. This is the real world, not fairy tale. Things like revealing "emperor's new cloth" do happen in our life, but probably not as easy/simple/naive as you imagined. There's no harm to dream, but if you kept thing in the way like "Einstein is a Jewish, blah blah ...", your dream never comes true.
  you are a typical physicist - usedpen 10/08/08 (182)
  支持! - rarew 10/07/08 (204)
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