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Who is racism? AA88 or me?
送交者: 言真轻 2009月05月05日08:55:10 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Advice to Yan, Xpt, and LuoLaozhuang2009 于 2009-05-05 08:22:06
You are deadly wrong on your racism accusation against XPT and me. The racism is, by definition, a mentality of a person who discriminates peoples of other nationalities or races. Both XPT and I have been talking about issues of our own nationality. We are not racism but people with strong feeling of self-recognition, or self-critics. Every country has such people who dare to say bad words about their own culture or their own government, or their own people.

If you look at AA88,猴子,丑脚丫,。。。etc. they are whole bunch of racists for sure. They are pouring dirty words toward Americans, Europeans, or even people from other Asian,African countries. Anyone who has little knowledge about racism will say that they are racists that perfectly accurate to the standard text book definitions. How come a guy like you who claims himself a savvy person could make such a big mistake? You can write some English, but you can never be thinking in English, not to say that you are actually still thinking in Chinese.
  You may be talking to brother - littelfat 05/05/09 (320)
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