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Well, you rushed to the shadow
送交者: 空军大院 2009月05月15日08:34:44 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这个证据忒多了吧?你没做过科学,但总职老 于 2009-05-15 08:14:09
2 soon. When i said you might get a point, i mean you "guessed" truth. It is like the fact that quantum theory is the final truth about the physical world so far. But when we teach, we start from the slow moving objects (Newtonian physics), then move to high speed objects (relativity theory) and finally reached the quantum mechanics, although the final is the foundation of both prio-teachings.

As a matter fact, i feel you ARE very brilliant spotting this truth right away! Congrats!
  i never guess the truth,hei he - 职老 05/15/09 (388)
      wrong,i have to start from sth - 职老 05/15/09 (295)
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