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思索提示(Thinking Hint)1
中文母語編輯們: http://blog.creaders.net/user_blog_diary.php?did=Mjg5NzM4
English Editors: One Book Encyclopædia Britannica. Two entries (Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees/Fog), after reading both, it is highly recommended to get someone understands Chinese well to have the above link translated.
思索提示(Thinking Hint)2
English Editors:
My company believe it is the time to have "霧霾" clearly translated into English.
Here is simple translation of '霧' and '霾' according to Chinese Reference book.
'霧': Fog, when 液滴 [(corpuscle; infinitesimal particle; fallout) of liquid] inside the atmosphere blocks vision farther than 1 km (called visible distance). The heavier, the less/shorter visible distance.
'霾': Fog, when 非液態微粒 [(corpuscle; infinitesimal particle; fallout) not of liquid state] inside the atmosphere blocks vision farther than 1 km (called visible distance). The heavier, the less/shorter visible distance.
My company's suggestion is to focus on the visibility concept.
What do you think about this?
作為參與“增智健體”熱身活動之團體入門問題: 您是否願意同本公司聊一下一個源自莎翁的關於文字中所體現出的智慧的命題?
As a free door prize (Q&A) to join "Wisdom up, body stronger/healthier" event, do you want to discuss a piece of wisdom expressed in English rooted back to Wm. Shakespeare with my company?