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If the US government wants to
送交者: kalkala 2017年07月21日08:55:59 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

If the US government wants to clean up the shortcoming Chinese in the United States, based on the shortcomings this is very important, which one is open mind to.
For example: you need to check how the guy    (link):http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/ktv/1526961.html  got in the United States, and then how to use false reasons to stay (reside) in the United States, based on the facts of the evidence to make government decisions, I hold open or support attitude.

  At the same time, look at his - kalkala 07/21/17 (974)
    Attn:They violate TheCyber Law  /無內容 - kalkala 07/21/17 (953)
      Get them in Ur focus long-term  /無內容 - kalkala 07/21/17 (981)
        One of the big hacker - kalkala 07/21/17 (972)
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