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根據 ISI Essential Science Indicators 的統計,1991-2001年間, 論文引用次數最高的27位數學家( 包括數學和統計學科)為:

1 Pierre-Louis Lions, University of Paris 9 , Mathematics

2 David L. Donoho , Stanford University , Statistics

3 Adrian F.M. Smith , Univ. London , UK, Statistics

4 Elizabeth A. Thompson , U. Washington, Biostatistics

5 Iain M Johnstone , Stanford University , Statistics

6 Jianqing Fan , Chinese U. Hong Kong , Statistics

7 Donald B. Rubin , Harvard University , Statistics

8 Ingrid Daubechies, Princeton University , Mathematics

9 Adrian E. Raftery, U. Washington, Statistics

10 Alan E. Gelfand, U. Connecticut, Statistics

11 Sun-Wei Guo , Med. Coll. Wisconsin , Biostatistics

12 Scott L. Zeger, Johns Hopkins Univ. , Biostatistics

13 Peter J. Green, University of Bristol, UK, Statistics

14 Bradley P. Carlin, University of Minnesota, Biostatistics

15 J. Stephen Marron , U. North Carolina, Statistics

16 David G. Clayton, MRC, Cambridge, UK, Biostatistics
Gareth O. Roberts, Lancaster Univ., UK, Statistics

17 Albert Cohen , University of Paris, Mathematics
Michael Rockner, Univ. Bielefeld, Germany, Mathematics

18 Yangbo Ye , University of Iowa , Mathematics

19 Jinchao Xu, Pennsylvania St. U. , Mathematics

20 Xiao-Li Meng , University of Chicago , Statistics

21 Matthew P. Wand , Harvard University , Biostatistics

22 Wally R. Gilks , MRC,UK, Biostatistics

23 M. Chris Jones , Open University,UK , Statistics

24 Sergio Albeverio , University of Bonn , Mathematics

25 Norman E. Breslow , U. Washington , Biostatistics

SOURCE: ISI Essential Science Indicators Web product, 1991-2001


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