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Wheeler on General relativity
送交者: c_y_lo 2012年03月22日10:46:09 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

Misleading Interpretations of the Wheeler School on General Relativity


the Damage to Education in MIT Open Course Phys. 8.033

C. Y. Lo

Applied and Pure Research Institute

7 Taggart Drive, Unit E, Nashua, NH 03060

March 2012


General relativity was difficult to understand, and recently it is discovered as not yet self-consistent. Understandably, due to its accurate predictions, misinterpretations were created. Among them, the dominant misinterpretations of the Wheeler School are due to invalid mathematics, inadequacy in physics, and distortion to Einstein’s statements. However, they are adapted together with Einstein’s assumptions because many make the same errors and do not read the original papers. Moreover, the errors on dynamic solutions have far reaching consequences to other areas in physics. These errors are responsible for the mistakes in the press release of the 1993 Nobel Committee who was unaware of the non-existence of dynamic solution and the experimental supports to Einstein’s equivalence principle. To illustrate the damages of such misinterpretations and errors to education, the MIT Course Phys. 8.033 is chosen since it is accessible to the public and the influence of the Wheeler School to MIT is a relatively recent event. The rectifications of errors in general relativity prove the necessity of unification between gravitation and electromagnetism, and enable other theoretical progresses.

Key Words: Einstein’s equivalence principle; Einstein’s covariance principle; Einstein’s theory of measurement; principle of causality; E = mc 2; dynamic solution; repulsive gravitational force; charge-mass interaction; Pioneer Anomaly.

04.20.-q, 04.20.Cv


Science sets itself apart from other paths to truth by recognizing that even its greatest practitioners sometimes err. ┅ We recognize that our most important scientific forerunners were not prophets whose writings must be studied as infallible guides—they were simply great men and women who prepared the ground for the better understandings we have now achieved.” -- S. Weinberg, Physics Today, Vol 58, p. 31, November 2005.

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