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Does Einstein understand
送交者: c_y_lo 2014年12月15日22:08:27 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

Does Einstein Understand General Relativity?


C. Y. Lo

Applied and Pure Research Institute

15 Walnut Hill Rd., Amherst, NH 03031

email: c_y_lo@yahoo.com



            Most theorists did no fully understand the theories they proposed. It turns out Einstein is also not an exception.  It is well known that, as pointed out by Gullstrand, that his equation does not has a dynamic solution. This is why Einstein did not have a Nobel Prize for his general relativity. In spite of objection from the physical community, Gullstrand is proven right in 1995. Although Christodoulou claimed that he has constructed dynamic solutions, it turns out that his theory is not only difficult to understand, but also wrong. Nevertheless, Christodoulou received numerous honors and this show only that many theorists just do no understand non-linear mathematics. In fact, to have a dynamic solution, it is necessary to have an energy-stress tensor for gravity with  an anti-gravity coupling. Moreover, there is a conflict between general relativity and the formula E = mc2 because the electromagnetic energy-stress tensor is traceless. Another problem is that Einstein failed to see that general relativity implies that the notion of photon is a natural consequence. Moreover, it is necessary to have a photonic energy-stress tensor with an anti-gravity coupling in the Einstein equation to obtain the gravity of the electromagnetic wave. Thus, the space-time singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose are actually irrelevant to physics. It should be noted that general relativity is incomplete  because of the gravitational radiation reaction force were not included. In conclusion, just as other theorists, Einstein actually does not understand general relativity fully. Consequently, he rejected repulsive gravitation, which is supported by experiments.

  Due to Lazy and sdubit the Chi - c_y_lo 12/17/14 (232)
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