520、喜剧 斯大林说,这让我很崩溃…… |
送交者: 和颜清心 2018年09月12日21:16:57 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
http://v.yongjiujiexi.com/share/yhNDkFrN0gUkptz4 喜剧《斯大林之死》 完整版 中英文字幕 翻译/校对/时间轴 SubHD @白羽黑鹭 Subtitles (电影对白字幕) 由这位网友 explosiveskull 贡献
【说明】 时间有限,字幕采取连载方式。 字幕抄写,有不完美处,敬请谅解。
莫斯科 1953年
在斯大林"敌人"名单上的人,被逮捕、 流放 、枪毙……。
这是莫斯科电台 安德列耶夫主任: 有什么事? Radio Moscow. Director Andreyev. What is it? 十七分钟(回复)? Seventeen minutes.
对,我当然可以在十七分钟后打过去 Yes, of course I can ring back in 17 minutes.
嗯 Yeah. 嗯 我记一下 Mm-hm. Yes, I'm writing it down. 我打不开... I can't get the...
(电台主任用笔,记下来) 一 五 One, five...
抱歉 你说的是j-i-u 九(象蝌蚪一样的字形) Sorry? Was that a nine, as in "Fine"?
还是, 又是五? 呃 Or... or another five as in, um...
w-u - w-u 五 "Hive." - ..."hive"?
喂 喂 Hello? Hello? w-u五吗?
(主任的助手问) - 谁打来的 Hive? - Who was it?
总秘书长的秘书 The Secretariat of the General Secretariat.
总书记的总秘书长…… 总书记?! Of the General Secretary. The Secretary of the General...
斯大林 ?!Stalin?
关小点声Turn that down.
把苹果放下 Put that apple down. 你一天到晚就知道吃苹果 You're always eating bloody apples.
我得在17分钟后给他打回去 I'm to call him back in 17 minutes.
17分钟是从你接电话开始算的吗? Seventeen minutes from when you picked up the phone
还是从你挂电话算的? or from when you put it down?
我说,我得在17分钟后,打过去开始,算的,17分钟! Seventeen minutes from when I said I'd call back in 17 minutes.
- 当时是几点 - 我不清楚 - When was that? - I don't know.
三十秒前吗?Thirty seconds ago?
一分钟前吗? - 到底是哪个? - A minute? - Well, which one?
- 一分钟 - 一分钟吗?- A minute. - A minute?
一分钟 A minute. - 你确定吧 - 不确定- You sure? - No.
(斯大林)唉呀呀 Well, well, well.
(贝利亚)哦 我把谢尔曼写到(敌人)名单上了 —— 那个作家 Oh, I put Shteyman on the list, the writer.
我知道你喜欢他写的东西, 但是
(斯大林回答)- 没事,就写着吧 - I know you like his work, but... - No, leave him on. 还有 呃...另一个,谢尔曼, 他妻子呢 And, uh... Shteyman two, his wife?{ }
(贝利亚回答)也写着呢 On.
(斯大林)他们是两口子,不是吗? They're a couple, ain't they?
斯大林格勒, 那儿可真冷 We're talking about Stalingrad, how cold it was,
我们为了暖和, 任何事都愿意干, 任何事 and we would do anything, anything, to warm ourselves up.
我们会向彼此扔手雷 We'd throw live grenades to each other.
我们会拔掉安全栓 扔给囚犯 We'd pull the pin, throw it to the prisoners。
囚犯他们就像喝多了的婊子样跳来跳去 ,"哦 哦 哦" They'd be jumping around like drunken whores. "Oh, oh, oh!" 什么手雷 What was the grenade?
就是手雷 - 格奥尔基 - A grenade. - Georgy.
就是手雷...什么叫... - 不不不 - A grenade... what do you... - No no no.
你妨碍讲故事了 让他讲 You're obstructing the story. Let him tell it.
那,十分的时候,电话打来的 So, ten past, the call came in.
- 十七分钟 - 那在十点二十七打回去吗?
Seventeen minutes... - So call back 10:27?
- 嗯 - 你看上去不确定啊 Yeah. - You don't seem confident.
我又不是那个接电话的 Well, I wasn't the one on the phone.
那位数字绝对是个九,是吧 And it was definitely a nine, wasn't it?
‘我不是那个接电话的’ - 你总这么说 I wasn't the one on the phone. - You keep saying that.
帮不上忙啊 - 我没接啊 ,所以... It's not helping. - I wasn't, though. So...
一颗手雷塞到他嘴里 A grenade in his mouth!
这小子 总能逗我笑 - 之后 崩 的一声 Always cracks me up, this one. - And then boom!
(斯大林)这总是让我很崩溃…… Always cracks me this one
(贝利亚)我把这些发出去I'll have these dispatched.
(另一房间的闲聊,继续) 这样一个普鲁士人就成了一滩汤 And then bdom! That's how you turn a Prussian into a bowl of soup.
哦 他出来了 嗯 我们看到你的(需要抓人的)名单了
在他(丈夫)之前杀她(妻子), 让他看着 Shoot her before him, but make sure he sees it.
哦 这个的话...呃... Oh, and this one... um...
杀了他 带他到他的教堂去 把他丢在讲台上 Kill him, take him to his church, dump him in the pulpit.
剩下的就交给你了 And I'll leave the rest up to you.
【深夜,贝利亚的属下接到 斯大林和贝利亚的命令,开车按名单抓人, 抓人的车队在公路上疾驰……】
我们走 Let's go! 名单上前三个名字,第一个,十五号公寓, 上!! First three names on list. Top name, apartment 15. Go.
上 上 Go, go. 出来, 你要去哪? 来,这边 ,到大巴上去! Come on. Where are you going? Get round here. Get on the bus.
(夜幕之下,一群持枪的克格勃, 闯进一些人的家,把人从床上揪起来,塞进车里)
影片00:05:33 未完待续,谢谢。
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