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Avatar and Honkongers-An Issue
送交者: 金无明 2022年11月13日08:06:14 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话


---- Forwarded Message -----                  From: lel  To: John  Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 09:29:41 AM CST  Subject: Avatar and Honkongers - An Issue of Psychotherapy Re: WILL THE ZIONIST JEWS SCREW CHINA WITH NUKES ?               

Avatar and Honkongers-An Issue of Psychotherapy  

Leeliang letters 11-13-2022#2  

Those Honkongers have a tradition that they always think their only saviors  are the white-skin angels, a consequence of aged-old lies such as the  Hollywood movie Avatar revealed.  

Hey, they said, “some of our whites are bad but you still need our whites to save you.”  

As such, a very good portion of the Honkongers would look down upon  colored skins to the point that they also belittle and abuse themselves.  

They are the victims of colonization for 300 years; But eventually they will find the truth.  

This is an issue of psychotherapy.  

(From google translator:






------ Original Message ------
Received: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 11:35:08 PM CST
From: John
To: ye
Cc: Wy

         This is interesting.                  The Honkongers believe that the Brits would treat them as special immigrants.                  Now they are seeing the problems.                  Some of the young people are having PTSD, a form of mental problems.                  Those young Hongkongers are probably from Christian and Bible schools                  thought that China is a non-believer in religions, they believe in political Christianity.                  Now some of them are paying the price.                            
          Hongkongers find a rough welcome in the UK | openDemocracy          
       On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 6:34 AM yew ta wrote:        

The Jews, China, and World War Xi              

                         Hi PY,                                        
             Please connect with your relatives in China. You are the super jews expert.                                        
              Find out which stupid Chinese princelings owned by the super jews. You  can start with Soong Ching Ling and  Dr. Sun YS relatives in China.                                        
                          Trust the guts your mothers gave you: The Americans have encircled China with 8,000 nuclear warheads and  crop-killing bioweapons. They have used them before, you know. They are  going to use them again.              
              US military mobilization in the South China Sea tells us that this time  the West will throw at China all it got. Washington is mobilizing Berlin  and Tokyo as the fall guy and the henchman.                                        
              It is unbelievable but true: The US is grooming the renegade Colonial  puppet regime in Taiwan for its eventual return to Beijing.              
              It is evident that humanity can and will be run by only a small  self-selected group of superhuman people. The distance between this  group and the rest of humanity is not linear, not gaussian, but poisson. It means they get all and everything while the rest gets nothing. This is exactly what Iewdaism is all about.               
                             [[[ Then, sometime in the future, a Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, will  become the new Emperor of China. In a shocking story twist, he will  expose the Iewish take-over in the West, drive out the Christian  Imperialists in China once more, and set in motion a global antisemitic  yet liberating process by which Europe falls in love with Asia and live happily ever after. ]]]                               You know that it’s not true. Because that story would actually be interesting. Xi, unlike Mao and Deng, has never been photographed with a Iew. What it means: A good ending has no place in the History of China.  Europe is never going to tolerate Asia. Live with it. Accept it.                               China is the only civilization that can push a button and lit a thousand universities ablaze.                                The China-Hands have identified about seven Western media and press  houses that belong to only ten organizations run by the Empire of Lies  [and Sanctions]. That’s it. They control the world. If there is an  attack, make it their last.                                                        
             [[China experts”—they are the evil ones; the nice ones are called China-hands. ]]                                         
                              In America we can say there is 9 million Jews, 60% of which are secular.  That means that 3.6 million Jews control our culture, finance,  entertainment, political, educational, and news media. Of these the vast  majority are Talmudists who are nothing more than 21st century  Pharisees. Torah based Jews are a minority.                
This small group has agents in the Masonic lodges that are Kabbalists,  and clown Christian Zionists that never read the 8th chapter of Hebrews  in the Bible.                
This article makes blatantly clear what history confirms which is a  Satanic cult that promotes feminism, communism, transgenderism,  abortion, homosexuality, and any other ism you can conjure up.                                               
                              It’s all designed to destroy humanity.                                               
                              As to the Catholic Church, Loyola may have had good intentions in  founding the Jesuits, but it is and has been the other side of the same  Talmudists coin.                
In America you are ok to persecute Christians, whites, patriots,  constitutional students, and small business owners…..just don’t mess  with Jews, gays, BLM or any other flavor of the month these filthy  quizzing conjure up.                                                        

Loyola was in the service of the Venetian oligarchy and John Calvin in turn was in the service of the Genovese Oligarchy.                                                     
                  Lyndon Larouche calls them nominally catholic jesuites and respectively nominally protestant jesuites.                                                    
                  The Venetian oligarchy was behind the religious wars in Germany after first having created the split of the Christian Church.                                   The Venetian oligarchy transplanted itself to England which during that period became Britain.                  Venice introduced the method of having jewish moneylenders and scammers as the lower layer of power.                
                 Where hatred was to be chanelled.                   While the higher level of power could even pretend to be critical of its  own underling while in every way being the beneficiary of its business  practices and that is still the case today.                
Rodolfo you make the common assumption that if their are jews inside freemasonry they must be controlling it.                
But that is wrong.                
If you are a member of the brotherhood you better not be an enemy of the  topdog who for a long important historical period was anglosaxon.                                                    
                                  Those anglosaxons have followed the practise from Venice, to be the  beneficiaries of the usurious business methods while pretending to have  nothing to do with it.                                                    
                                  But Bismarck made a deal with the Rothschilds and instantly the first draft of the Protocols of Zion turned up.                                                    
                 It is believed to have come from the freemasons.                
The world leader of the freemasons was Lord Palmerston, who became the  leader after his associate and stooge, Guiseppi Mazzini is suspected for  having murdered the previous leader in 1837.                                                    
                                  Later Bismarck allowed british liberalism to ‘invade’ Germany with catastrophic result.                                                    
                                  After that negative experience which he shares with Russias and Chinas  current leaders we may point to anglosaxon liberalism as the common  enemy.                                                    
                 While the bankers, provided they act like neutral investors, do not have to become enemies of either side.                
But the anglosaxon br otherhood did not allow the bankers, their masonic subordinates, to become such neutral investors!                                                    
                 There are a couple of examples of how that came to express itself as death threats to the bankers.                
Issued by the freemasons both explicitly by Edward VII in 1907, when he  was the world leader of the freemasons and in all likeliness in 1888 in  the convoluted form of the Jack the Ripper affaire.                                                    
                                  I am convinced that the masonic ritual murder of the five ‘canonical’  prostitutes was directed to the likewise five branches of the House of  Rothschilds.                                                    
                                  It was clearly a message from freemasons to freemasons.                                                    
                  And it would be very odd to go through such a spectacular series of  masonic ritual murders just to counter a royal scandal for a protegee of  Edward, who was then the prince of Wales and Grand Master of the Mother  Lodge.                
                                  Incidentally the prime at that time was Lord Robert Cecil whose family  is known to have been a key liason with the Venetian Oligarchy ever  since the 1500s and members of the Cecils have been at the center of  Britains geopolitical intrigues.                                  

At that time Germany’s economic expansion was seen as a formidable  threat to Britains interests and Edward, managed in 1890 to manipulate  the young inexperienced Kaiser to remove Bismarck.                                                    
                  The latter had managed to maintain stability and peace in the east so  getting him out of the way was important for the British warseeking  side.                                                    
But even more important, I suspect, was Bismarck’s previous collaboration with the Rothschilds

The anglosaxons want world hegemony remember; and they have a lot to  gain from making you believe it isnt them who constitute the main  obstacle for peace and win win.                                                    
                  The anglosaxons have an army of honest but unwitting helpers who do  their bidding but like the americans said, they are better poker players  but they are not the good guys. They said it regarding winning the cold  war but it is equally valid now.                                                    
                  Look how the anglosaxons are humiliating Germany and Japan and most of  the west in varying degree, while many of you help them to cover up.                                                        

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