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The meanings of different epochs in Cenozoic era
送交者: jingchen 2023年05月30日17:18:55 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

The meanings of prefixes of different epochs in Cenozoic era

It would be very helpful to know the meanings of the different epochs in Cenozoic era. The following article is generated by chatGPT.

The prefixes in the terms —Palaeocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene—refer to different epochs in Cenozoic era. Each prefix provides an indication of the time period to which the epoch belongs. Here's a breakdown of their meanings:

1.    Paleocene: The prefix "paleo-" means "old" or "ancient." Therefore, the Paleocene epoch represents an early part of the Cenozoic era (the era that began after the extinction of the dinosaurs) and is characterized by a period of time that occurred a long time ago.

2.    Eocene: The prefix "eo-" means "dawn" or "early." The Eocene epoch signifies a period that followed the Paleocene and is associated with the early part of the Cenozoic era.

3.    Oligocene: The prefix "oligo-" means "few" or "scanty." The Oligocene epoch indicates a period that followed the Eocene and is characterized by a reduced diversity of organisms compared to previous epochs.

4.    Miocene: The prefix "mio-" means "less" or "smaller." The Miocene epoch represents a period that followed the Oligocene and is marked by a decrease in overall biodiversity.

5.    Pliocene: The prefix "plio-" means "more" or "greater." The Pliocene epoch signifies a period that followed the Miocene and is associated with an increase in diversity compared to previous epochs.

6.    Pleistocene: The prefix "pleisto-" means "most" or "almost all." The Pleistocene epoch represents a period characterized by extensive glaciations and the presence of numerous ice ages.

7.    Holocene: The prefix "holo-" means "whole" or "entire." The Holocene epoch refers to the current geological epoch, which began around 11,700 years ago after the last major ice age and continues to the present day.

These prefixes help to classify and differentiate the various epochs within the geological time scale, providing a relative sense of time and indicating the order in which they occurred.


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