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11.5 四食谛 Four-Food Crux
送交者: 卢岩 2023年07月04日16:26:53 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话


All sentients depend on the four types of foods to live. The four foods are: period food, touch food, mean food, and sense food.

11.5 四食谛 Four-Food Crux two-priests-tobacco-gourds-page-r-codex-tudela-.jpg


Period food, which used to be “combat food”, turning bad is its phenomena, that is, in desire boundary, when turning bad, fragrance taste and touch the three dusts can be food matter.


Touch food, which used to be called “laugh food”, by heartland law Touch as body, touching environment is its phenomenon. That is, touching happiness and laughter can be food matter, such as watching a drama, not eating all day long, and not feeling hungry. This food belongs to all the first seven senses, but it is prone to the sixth sense (Intent-sense).


Mean food, the old word is “spell food”, by heartland law Mean as body, Hope is its phenomenon. That is, Mean and Hope are turning mutually, hoping for lovable environment can be food matter, such as a person is hungry, and passing by an eating place, he should have the “mean” of eating and drinking, otherwise his health should be worried. This food belongs to all the first seven senses, but it is prone to the sixth sense (Intent-sense), because arousing hope is its phenomenon.


在伊斯兰教和基督教中,这种食物被称作 Mana”(意思食)。插图11.5-4中,是圣经中迁徙的人们在拾取上帝赐予的 Mana

In Islam and Christianity, this food is called "Mana" (Intent Mean Food). In Illustration 11.5-4, the migrating people in the Bible are picking up the "Mana" bestowed by God.


Sense food, to hold and sustain is its phenomena, what unconsciousness’ mutant fruits succeedingly ripen constantly, to hold sustain sentient life, can be food matter. This food belongs to all eight senses, but prone to unconsciousness (Ancient as God-sense) because unconsciousness holds the body.

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