60種最全圍巾圍法,太實用了 ! |
送交者: 挑挑揀揀 2015年08月20日18:22:55 於 [流行前線] 發送悄悄話 |
60種最全圍巾圍法,太實用了,值得收藏,天天不重樣! 前面兩種方式就是個人最常圍圍巾的方式,當然有時候也有些是絲巾當圍巾的綁法。也是相當有趣的。 ▼這種比較偏絲巾的圍法,可以繞成一圈挺好看的 ▼圍的方法
▼不知道為什麼這有現代舞的FU ▼特色在側面 ▼多層次打法
▼貴媳婦的披法 ▼多一朵花的圍法
▼很簡單的披肩式,別個漂亮的別針就好 ▼這好像跟前面某個方法有點像,感覺不太一樣就是
賭神圍法XD (完全沒有教學XDD)
Here's what you can expect:
-Encouragement, inspiration and motivation
-The latest on nutrition and natural therapies -Delicious recipes that we make at our house -And more interviews with doctors, experts and people just like you who have healed themselves I post about once a week on average. But I may get on a roll and post several times in one week, and then post nothing for the next few weeks. I share a lot of things that I find interesting on my facebookand twitter pages, and sometimes I post videos on my YouTube channel that don't make it on the blog. Here's a link to "25 Survivor Stories", a free e-book courtesy of my friend Jonathan Chamberlain Download it here
One of the questions I get asked the most is, "What kind of water filter do you use?"
I use a Berkey. Here are 5 reasons why I love it :) To your life and health! -Chris Wark
Rebounding: The Best Exercise for your Immune System ...
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