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送交者: 紫伊~ 2008年07月20日06:52:56 於 [流行前線] 發送悄悄話
小護士是所有品牌化妝品中唯一一家只含天然,不含人工成份的產品.它的歷史悠久,信譽可靠.為了保證產品質量,維護產品形象,幾年前出台了一個新的措施,不接受個體或組織批發定購,只傾銷於世界各個專賣店. 我一直用這個護膚霜,無味,不油膩,輕柔,細膩,,價格還挺低位(不見得越貴越好).俺喜歡用天然的東東,推薦. $24.5/1.7oz 24 Hour, light-textured hydrator Reduces moisture loss Continuous water replenishment throughout day Inspired by our original, Ultra Facial Moisturizer Not tested on animals Inspired by our original, beloved Ultra Facial Moisturizer, this 24-hour, light-textured daily hydrator leaves skin comfortable and visibly well-balanced, particularly in harsh weather conditions. Our formula is made with Antarcticine–a Glycoprotein extracted from microorganisms sourced from sea glaciers and notable for an ability to protect skin from cold temperatures–as well as Imperata Cylindrica, a plant indigenous to the Australian desert which possesses superb water retention properties in dry conditions. Our unique combination of ingredients helps reduce moisture loss while drawing and absorbing moisture from the air. With continuous water replenishment throughout the day, skin is smooth, healthy-looking, and "moisture-even."
  好多MM都喜歡他們家的東西,好!  /無內容 - 瓦格 07/21/08 (135)
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