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送交者: 龙天和大侠 2017年12月18日19:07:09 于 [流行前线] 发送悄悄话
送交者: 京都静源 2017年12月11日13:59:48 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话


1、A Dream Come True

2、Alien alert in Seattle

3、Adventure Story

4、Alien at School 

5、Aladdin and the Lamp

6、American Folk Tales for Beginners

7、Pretty Face

8、Another World

9、Another the World in 80 Days

10、Beauty and the Beast

11、Beginner Level Peterpan

12、Daddy Long Legs

13、Death in the Freezer


15、Drive into Danger

16、Far From the madding Crowd

17、Goodbye Mr Hollywood

18、Henny 8

19、Home for Christmas

20、Hua Mulan

21、Komeo and Juliet

22、Last Love and Other Stories

23、Les Miserables

24、Little Lord Fauntleroy

25、Lorna Doone


27、Love Story

28、Love or Money

29、Marcel and The Shakespeare Letters

30、Missing in Sydney

31、Mr Bean

32、Mr Hdlywood

33、One Way Ticket

34、Peter Pan

35、Police TV

36、Red Roses

37、Rich Man Poor Man


39、Red Roses

40、Robin Hood

41、Run For Your Life



44、Studio Five

45、Swan Lake

46、Treasure Island

47、The Adventure of the Speckld Band

48、The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

49、The Blue Diamond 

50、The Canterbury Tales

51、The Call of the Wild

52、The Collector Peter Viney

53、The Crown

54、The Coldest Place on Earth 

55、The Enormous Crocodile

56、The Elephant Man

57、The Garden

58、The Gift of the Magi and other stories

59、The Happy Prince

60、The Hound of the Baskervilles

61、The Lost World Conan

62、The Lost Ship

63、The Secret Garden

64、The Stranger

65、The True Story of Pocahontas

66、The Railway Children

67、The Tempest

68、The Phantom of the Opera

69、The Piano

70、The Maze

71、The Music Of Love 

72、Three Men in a Boat

73、The Monkey’s Paw

74、The Missing Coins

75、The Mystery of Manor Hall 

76、The Visit

77、Three is a Lucky Number

78、Turn of the Screw

79、The WIZARD of OZ

80、The Yellow Face 

81、12 Riders of the Purple Sage

82、Urban Myths

83、World Wonders

84、White Death

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