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送交者: 席琳 2022年12月23日21:11:14 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話


領導在信箱裡收到一本自傳體小說,名字叫改變(Changed)。是加州一個叫Tom Cantor的猶太裔商人,因打官司賺了不少錢,就自費出版並在聖誕節期間廣泛散發的一個小冊子。篇幅不長,85頁,典型的商人體,文筆樸實無華,講他如何從一個頗具反叛性格的猶太裔小男孩,逐步轉變為基督徒的心路歷程的。





  • When he arrived, he showed his family the letter and explained the reason for his coming. What do you suppose that his family told him? They said, Simon, we are Germans! Palestine? Simon, are you out of your mind? It is dangerous in Palestine – there are Arabs in Palestine, bullets, plus it’s dirty — look at how beautiful it is here in Berlin! You want us to leave the beauty of this city for the sand, dust and dirt of Palestine? Simon, look at the beauty of our house and all our possessions! You want us to leave all of this? The letter is a trap to get us to abandon our possessions to your so-called “friend” who is really just a thief. To leave all of our possessions is a terrible price to pay. Don’t speak such foolishness, Simon – we are Germans. Simon again showed them the letter and they reiterated that it was only a trick to confiscate their nice home and possessions. Simon told them of the reports of concentration camps and mass exterminations and they replied with Rumors, Simon – did you see these camps yourself? Did you see any of these mass exterminations? We are talking about Germany, the highest civilization in the world – don’t talk such nonsense. Simon pleaded with them to consider Adolf Hitler to which they replied, Hitler? He’s a madman – he will be assassinated. He will be overthrown or voted out of office – he is a temporary problem. Simon pleaded with his family for two weeks and was finally forced to leave Germany empty handed. All of his family were murdered.


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