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送交者: 席琳 2024年05月17日09:02:42 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話



Image © National Museums Scotland

  • Teapot of cream-glazed earthenware painted in enamel colours with Chinese landscapes, figures, buildings and flowers: English, Leeds, late 18th century。

Image © National Museums Scotland

  • Teapot of cream earthenware painted with an orange tree flanked by busts of William V (?) of Orange and Frederica Wilhelmina of Prussia (?): English, Leeds, probably decorated in Holland, c. 1775


Teapot with portrait of the Young Pretender, Prince Charles Edward Stuart (1720–1788), Salt-glazed stoneware with enamel decoration, British, Staffordshire

Teapot with portrait of the Young Pretender, Prince Charles Edward Stuart (1720–1788), Salt-glazed stoneware with enamel decoration, British, Staffordshire

  • Teapot with portrait of the Young Pretender, Prince Charles Edward Stuart (1720–1788)。


  • An 18th-century English Creamware teapot & cover with molded, twisted strap handle and beaded rims and decorated with hand-painted Chinoiserie scenes in colorful enamels. The cover features a flower head and leaf finial. A delightful, elegant teapot in clean unrestored condition with only minor signs of wear in accord with use and age.

只有一個品牌例外:新霍爾New hall(1782-1835),這是十八世紀英國唯一的硬膏瓷製造商,它是由Staffordshire地區的5位陶藝家組成了一個聯盟,曇花一現。


  • Teapot, cover and stand made by New Hall porcelain factory, Staffordshire, England about 1787-90 Hard-paste porcelain with a lead glaze, painted in enamels.



Teapot, cover and stand, bone china, teapot has slip-cast body and spout and press-moulded hnadle; painted with enamels and gilded. The decoration consists of bunches of flowers on a white ground within leaf-shaped panels reserved on a deep blue ground covered with gilt scroll work. This teapot was manufactured by the New Hall China Works which, between 1781 and 1835, made tea-sets exclusively, indicating the importance of tea drinking to English society at this time. 

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