千百年來大家關注的都是其中的鈷藍,沒人注意其中瓷胎上紅花綠葉相得益彰的白顏色。直到有一天,歐洲人發現並開始競相模仿瓷器上著名的風靡歐洲和全世界的福建德化窯燒制中國白(Blanc de Chine)。
Blanc de Chine, or white from China, is the name given to white porcelains made in Dehua, a town in Fujian province along China's southeast coast. Historically, Dehua potters created a wide range of white wares and other ceramic products of varying quality. In the 18th century, the popularity of blanc de Chine inspired European potters to develop their own hard-paste white porcelain (made from compound minerals and fired at very high temperatures), copying prototypes imported from China. Today, Dehua still thrives as a porcelain town, boasting industrial success as well as artistic creativity. Archaeological evidence shows that Dehua was producing ceramics as early as the 10th century. In the Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279), Dehua qingbai wares (porcelain with a bluish white glaze) started to enter overseas markets. The first Chinese porcelain to reach Europe – a small jar with a floral design in applied relief and covered in bluish white glaze, now in the St Mark's Basilica in Venice – was made in Dehua and is believed to have been brought back by Marco Polo in 1295. Since the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644), the principle products at the Dehua kilns have been white wares, blue-and-white wares and some enamelled wares.
| 成分 | 特點 |
北方窯口(邢窯定窯) | 氧化鋁、氧化鈦較多(氧化狀態)
| 白中泛黃(歐洲所謂的奶黃釉瓷) |
景德鎮白瓷(甜白釉) | 氧化鋁、氧化鐵氧化鈦均衡(還原狀態) | 白中泛青(歐洲所謂的珍珠釉) |
德化白瓷(豬油白、象牙白、少女白、馬可波羅瓷) | 氧化硅氧化鉀含量高,氧化鐵含量極少(中性狀態) | 玻璃質透光度良好、色澤光潤明亮,乳白如凝脂 (Blanc De Chine) |