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The impacts of vaccines on human bodies
送交者: jingchen 2022年03月09日10:24:58 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話

The impacts of vaccines on human bodies


We know little about the impacts of coronavirus vaccination on human bodies. The drug companies and FDA, the government agencies regulating drug companies, simply refuse to release related data. Recently, an organization called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) sued FDA for data about vaccinations. By court order, FDA was forced to release data on vaccination. Now the data files are stored on PHMPT website.


We will look at the statistics on fatality. There is a report called post marketing experience. From Table 1 of the report, the total case is 42086. Among all the cases, 9400 were unknown and 1223 were fatal. Thus, the fatality rate from vaccination is 




By comparison, the fatality rate for US population is 0.90%, or 0.8977%  to be more precise, in 2021. The fatality rate from vaccination is much higher than the general population. However, the drug companies and FDA simply hide the data and keep pushing for continued mass vaccination.   


You might say, the coronavirus vaccines are an isolated case. Other vaccines and drugs must be different. But drugs are produced by the same big pharma. Drugs are approved by the same FDA. Drugs are protected by the same big media. Drugs are promoted by the same big government agencies. The goal of marketing drugs, like marketing other products, is not to help the mass, but to make money from the mass. Why can we expect any difference for other drugs?


We know very little about the effects of coronavirus vaccines. From the little we know, coronavirus vaccinations cause great harms to human bodies. We know even less about other vaccines. All our knowledge is spoon fed by the professionals who have the vested interests to maintain authority. We have do some independent research. Nowadays, it is difficult to do independent research. I googled for relevant data and didn’t find any result. Then I switched to DuckDuckGo and find the files on Pfizer vaccines. It is worthwhile to learn to do independent research.


It takes courage to say no to authority and to authoritarian measure. It takes courage to stand your ground and to stand alone. But the Lord is always with you.


The web address of the document discussed in this note.




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