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A unified understanding of body functions
送交者: jingchen 2022年05月23日06:34:15 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話

A unified understanding of body functions


Why we have less water in our body when we get older? Why does our skin get dry when we are old? Why do we get sweaty easily when we are weak or tired? Why do we get runny nose when we are tired or sick? Why our body is not as solid when we are weak? Why we sneeze when we are sick? Why do we feel cold easily when we are sick or old?


Our bodies consist of cells. Each cell is a tiny battery. It is negatively charged inside the cell and positively charged outside the cell. I guess when we are old or sick, the level of voltage of cells or tissues declines. The speed of recharging may decline as well. This idea can be empirically tested. If true, it may explain a lot of things.  


Since water molecules are polarized, a voltage can attract and retain a lot of water. The higher the voltage, the more water can be attracted and retained. When we are young, the voltage of the cell is high. Our bodies can attract more water. The water content of our bodies is high. As we get older, the voltage of the cell declines. The ability to attract water declines. The water content of our bodies declines. Similarly, when the voltage of the cell declines, the ability to hold water declines. Our skin becomes dry.


Our tissues and cells contain many holes or gates. These gates are usually sealed by ions, such as calcium ions (Ca2+). When the voltage of tissues or cells is low, the sealing is not as tight. Fluid comes out easily. We get sweaty easily and get runny nose.


When a lot of air is pumped into a tire, the tire is very tight. When not much air is left, the tire is very soft. Similarly, when cells and tissues are full of wate, they are very tight. When not much water is left in cells and tissues, tissues are very soft. A strong person can display hard muscle. A weak or old person feels soft. Soft tissues often could not keep passages open. When we are sick or weak, we often need to sneeze to force open air passages.


When we are cold, our bodies may discharge our cells or tissues, releasing electric energy into heat to warm our bodies. When voltage level is low, or the speed of recharge is low, the amount of heat produced is low. We feel cold. That is why old people and sick people feel cold easily.


Overall, when voltage is low, the power level is low. Our various systems may not work as effective. The pumping power of the heart is low. We may not be able to produce enough immune cells. Liver and kidney may not be able to hand the workload timely.


Human body is like a rechargeable battery. With each recharge, the efficiency declines. What can we do to slow down such a decline? Many people have our own way to keep us healthy and young. This theory may provide a unified understanding to many of our health problems.  

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