位於弗吉尼亞州的布里奇沃特學院(Bridgewater College),是一所私立四年制的文理學院,作為美國弗吉尼亞大學和教會的附屬,是自1880年在弗吉尼亞州成立的第一個男女同校的大學。在為數眾多的美國大學中布里奇沃特學院默默無聞,也像眾多的美國大學一樣,連一個像樣的博物館都沒有,只有一個美術畫廊。可是在她的圖書館中,藏有兩幅不常遇到的耶穌升天和耶穌祈禱的黑白織錦畫,引起了我的注意:
TU CHIN SHENG SILK WEAVING FACTORY HANGCHOW CHEKIANG CHINA. Chinese characters are woven at the bottom. The weaving was presented in 1934 to the Willing Workers Sunday School Class at Mill Creek Church of the Brethren near Port Republic, VA, by Annie M. Shirey.
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TU CHIN SHENG SILK WEAVING FACTORY HANGCHOW CHEKIANG CHINA. N.S.L.O. Collector Nettie Senger states the silk was hand grown and processed, and the loom used to make the tapestry was destroyed in the Japanese invasion of 1937. | |