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Professional self
送交者: chuge 2002年01月04日10:51:10 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話

It is not a surprise that 100Fish is a teenager, since more than 3/4 teenagers have acne (kidding, what a logic!).

While I am still confused by the disease acne, many experts claimed that is so "simple". I am actually dazzled by all kinds of therapeutic methods that can be chosen.I suppose you need a self-care method, since here we do not provide pre????ions.I also guess that you do not have a sudden occurence of severe acne, otherwise I have a bad imagination for you.

1)use water-based (gel),not oily or greasy cosmetics.2)moderate expose your face to sun, do not cover it with your hair3)you can continue to enjoy foods you like4)wash with cleansers that dry your skin5)never use medicine containing corticosteroid (eg. hydrocortisol etc.)6)find over-the-counter topical use medicine contaning one or a few of : A)compound sulfur B) salicycli acid C) retinoic acid D)neomycin F) benzoic peroxide, which are availbale in the pharmacy.Recmember each of them can be allergic. So before uing them, you have sacrisfy your arm to have tests.7)stop picking or squeezing those rashes

If this methods can not even help you, you have to find people that looks like Dr Chuge for further examination and treatment.

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