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送交者: 力刀 2008年09月24日11:43:46 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話
美國醫藥食品管理局(FDA)關於中國三聚氰胺污染奶粉事件對美國公眾最新通報 力刀 (節譯) http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2008/NEW01889.html September 23, 2008 Media Inquiries: Stephanie Kwisnek, 301-827-0955 Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA 9月12日,就中國大陸三聚氰胺污染嬰兒奶粉事件,FDA對美國公眾發布通告,目前 在美國市場尚未發現符合美國食品健康管理規定的生產廠家的奶粉有任何有害污染。 同時,警告美國華人社團民眾,中國大陸產可通過亞洲市場購買的奶粉可能對嬰幼 兒有危害。 FDA與向美國市場推銷奶粉的有關廠家進行問詢調查,得到的信息表明,其並未從中 國大陸進口奶粉原料。 同時, fda與各州和地方當局開始進行全國範圍的調查以檢查亞洲市場其是否將中 國大陸奶粉輸入到美國,尤其有大量華裔民眾的地區,如洛杉磯、三番、西雅圖和 紐約等。 目前,已調查了超過1千家零售商。另外, FDA勸告消費者尤其不要從網絡購買是中 國產的奶粉。 FDA已經並將繼續執行和採取一切方式方法確保美國大眾食品的安全,並將與州和當 地政府、海關、國土安全局、美國林業部等機構及有關外國政府合作配合對從中國 大陸進口的食品尤其含奶粉和奶乳製品的進行嚴查。另外,將擴大對國產和進口尤 其中國進口的奶乳製品及其配方材料、飲料、粉劑等嚴查。一旦發現任何含有三聚 氰胺成分製品及原材料,,FDA將採取行動阻止其進入美國食品市場。 FDA Statement FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 2008 Media Inquiries: Stephanie Kwisnek, 301-827-0955 Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDAFDA Updates Health Information Advisory on Melamine Contamination On September 12, 2008, in light of reports from China of melamine contaminated infant formula, the FDA issued a Health Information Advisory to proactively reassure the American public that there is no known threat of contamination in infant formula manufactured by companies that have met the requirements to sell such products in the United States. That advisory also warned members of Chinese communities in the United States that infant formula manufactured in China, possibly available for purchase at Asian markets, could pose a risk to infants. The FDA had contacted the companies who manufacture infant formula for distribution in the United States and received, from the companies, information that they are not importing formula or sourcing milk-based materials from China. At the same time, the FDA─in conjunction with state and local officials─ began a nation-wide investigation to check Asian markets for Chinese manufactured infant formula that may have been brought into the United States. In particular, this effort focused on areas of the country with large Chinese communities, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and New York. To date, investigators have visited more than 1,000 retail markets and have not found Chinese infant formula present on shelves in these markets. In addition, the FDA is advising consumers not to purchase infant formula manufactured in China from internet sites or from other sources. The FDA has taken, and will continue to take, proactive measures to help ensure the safety of the American food supply. In conjunction with state and local officials, the FDA will continue to check Asian markets for food items that are imported from China and that could contain a significant amount of milk or milk proteins. In addition, the FDA has broadened its domestic and import sampling and testing of milk-derived ingredients and finished food products containing milk, such as candies, desserts, and beverages that could contain these ingredients from Chinese sources. Milk-derived ingredients include whole milk powder, non-fat milk powder, whey powder, lactose powder, and casein. This sampling and testing is done when these ingredients or products are imported into the United States or found during visits to Asian markets. If the products are adulterated because they contain melamine and/or a melamine analog, the FDA will take action to prevent the products from entering the U.S. food supply. In addition to state and local governments, the FDA is working in close cooperation with Customs and Border Protection within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, other federal agencies, and foreign governments. http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2008/NEW01889.html 9/24/2008 於 美國 俄亥俄州立大學 病理系 美國醫學教育博客: http://www./pc/index.php?id=USMedEdu (面對全球網站) http://www./pc/index.php?id=USMedEdu (大陸鏡像網站) 溫柔一刀_力刀博客: http://www./pc/index.php?id=dokknife (面對全球網站) http://www.mitbbs.c/pc/index.php?id=dokknife (大陸鏡像網站) 刀客論壇: www.dok-forum.net
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