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送交者: 磨牙 2003年03月15日19:56:43 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話
送交者: 找磨牙大夫 My original dentist looked at the X-ray today and offered to do the root canal therapy again on the problem tooth without further charge. He would not want to send me to a specialist. I rang the second dentist up and asked for his opinion, he said ‘yes, go ahead if he would do it for free’. However, I really do not have much faith on the orginal dentist any more. What should I do?

Somehow I feel sorry for my dentist. He is an old man, proud and quite stubbarn. He said he is better than any specialist with his 45 years experience. I would not want to hurt him, you know. But can I trust him?

He suspects that my wisdom tooth(which has always been quiet and nice under the gum) is causing the problem to root canal therapy one. And he thinks that it should be removed at some stage.



回 答: 根管治療專家(ENDODONTIST):牙顆學校畢業後有受兩年的專科訓練.只管牙髓及根尖病變(限於根管內及根尖周圍,也就是1厘米見方的地界)只做根管治療和根尖手術,其它拔牙補牙鑲牙植牙洗牙之事一概不管.當初ENDO老師還動員我做這行,掙錢比一般牙醫多.我說一輩子做根管,我倒寧可去開TRUCK(當然是背着老師跟同學說的啦) 一般牙醫就是牙科里想做什麼做什麼,不想做或做不了的送到專家那裡(兒科,外科,正畸,矯形,牙周,病理,根管,預防).但病人到專家手裡,她不想做可就沒地方送了.所以我說什麼也不能跳那火坑,把自己的後路給堵死.

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