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送交者: Xiaozhu 2012年12月19日05:56:10 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話






這是收入在公元前一千多年中國最早的詩歌總集《詩經》的詩句。柔潤,圓滑,勻寸的身材是中國古代婦女眼中的傳統健康美。古代中國的傳統醫學卻有一個對健康的廣義解讀:人體的健康是在於我們與宇宙的自然和諧。三千多年前中國古典著作《三海經》已記錄了180多種動植物藥材,其中有一些美容草藥像草,瑤草可使皮膚容光煥發, 魅力大增。大約公元前1700-1000年前,有了中國古代婦女用紫藍色的花液美容化妝之說。在春秋戰國時期,居住在中國北部的匈奴婦女用紅色的花草液製成胭脂塗在嘴唇和面頰美容。漸漸地漢族婦女也用起了胭脂,胭脂成了美容的代名詞。中國最早的藥典《神農本草》記載30多種美容草藥, 有一些膚增輝的草藥。到唐朝時期,傳統中醫美容日漸成熟,出現了中醫美容專科。 明朝時期的《本草綱目》已收入了500多種美容草藥和40多種美容處方。


中國第一部醫學著作《黃帝內經》寫於二千五百年前,建立了中醫理論的基礎體系,完整解釋的體表與內臟的密切關係,比如心與面容,肺與皮膚,腎與頭髮, 肝與唇和指甲通過經絡連通並氣血調節平衡。這也是中醫美容的根基。中醫美容有五種途徑:草藥, 針灸, 推拿, 膳療,氣功。通過舒經通脈,活血化淤,保護內臟健康來達到自然美容的目的。

Natural Beauty and Health (1): Ancient Oriental Way


Guan-guan go the ospreys,

On the islet in the river.

The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady,

For our lord a good mate she.


This song was collected in an ancient Chinese book of odes called “Shi Jing” written as early as 1000 B.C. An ancient beautiful Chinese woman was appreciated as having soft, smooth, proportional small features. This is beauty, but a narrow definition of beauty from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective. A broad definition of beauty in TCM view is healthy existence: a healthy body naturally and harmoniously encompassed with our universe. For example, normal aging is beauty because it is natural process in the human body.


According to an ancient Chinese book called “Classic of Mountains and Seas” written 3000 thousand years ago, 180 species of animals plants were recorded. Some cosmetic herbs like Xun Cao and Yao Cao were described as making skin glowing, and body more attractive and seductive. A record from 1700 - 1000 B.C. described that ancient Chinese women used purple, blue flower juice condensed solution for facial make-up. The first Women Appearance House was established by royal families in 1000 – 770 B.C. Between  475 B.C to 220 A.D. Xiongnu women, a group of nomadic people once lived in Northern China, used red juice extracted from herbs, called “Yan-Zhi”, on cheek and lip for beauty. Yan-Zhi was gradually adopted by Han Chinese women. In today’s China, the word “Yan-Zhi” is still used to refer beauty. In the earliest Chinese medical material dictionary entitled “Shenlong Ben Cao”, more than 30 cosmetic herbs were recorded. Some herbs could make skin rejuvenating and healthy radiant appearance. During Tang Dynasty (618-907), Traditional Cosmetic Medicine had matured. Physicians were specialized  in cosmetic medicine. During Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), more than 500 herbs and 40 formulas related to cosmetics were described in a dictionary of Chinese herbs called “Ben Cao Gang Mu”.


The most important book called “Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics” written in 200 B.C. set down the theoretical basis for TCM. The intimate relationship between parts of appearance (face, hair, nails, lip, ears, eyes and nose) and internal organs was explained. For example, the heart is related to face, lung to skin, kidney to hair and liver to nails and lip. They are connected by meridians and balanced through flow of emery (Qi) and blood. The healthy skin and beautiful appearance reflect health of the internal organs.


This is a foundation for Traditional Cosmetic Medicine. Five major methods were developed and applied to cosmetics: herb medicine, acupuncture/acupressure, tuina massage, diet therapy, and Qi Gong therapy. The methods are used to balance meridians, enhance the flow of Qi and blood and maintain health of the internal organs in order to achieve natural beauty of body with a healthy looking.

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