請護持一位小朋友的初發善心 我所教的傳統文化學習班的一位小朋友。她寫了一篇文章,被挑選參加全美小朋友作文比賽。她發心如果得獎的話,這個獎勵就給他們的班級。我看見她媽媽到處求助,希望大家能幫她的女兒滿她的美好願望。慈母之心真讓我感動。而我更感動的是小朋友的初發善心。 希望這裡的朋友們,看看她的文章,如果覺得還不錯的話,您只用兩分鐘時間,就可以滿了這對母女的願望。 非常感謝。功德無量! This is Zhuqiu. My daughter, Sabrina Ye, is from Short Pump Elementary School, Henrico. She wrote an essay "The World Must End" and was chosen as one of the finalists in a national writing contest and she would like you to vote on her essay! (Thank you so much if you already voted for her!) She is trying to get enough votes so she can win a prize for her classroom! As a Chinese mom, I really think I have the responsibility to booster her passion in English writing! So here I reach out our Chinese communities and ask you to vote for her too! To vote is very easy and takes less than 1 minute. All you need is sign up an email account and a click! Here are the directions to vote: 1. 1. Go to this website: http://readinglabs.shycast.com/ 2. 2. Click on Sign Up to create an account ( All you need is an email account) 3. 3. Scroll down and click my essay: The World Must End (category: 4th-6th science fiction) 4. 4. Click the green button says “VOTE FOR THIS” to vote Thank you for your support!! Best regards, Zhuqiu Ye 宛然敬上 | |