最近从MSN上读到一篇文章“14 Foods should never eat”,其中列出的第二种食物竟然是草莓。这可是被许多人,包括自己,认为是高级水果。震惊之余,仔细拜读了此文,发现提出的理由是:
揭露食品行业黑幕的影片“Food Inc”导演有过这样一段评论:“当我看到种植草莓的果农们穿着保护服来保护自己免受洒到草莓上的数十种杀虫剂的危害时,我就在想,当这样的草莓长熟后,真的不知道是否想食用。自那以后,我就没有吃过非自然种植的草莓。”
MSN: 14 Foods should never eat
2. Nonorganic Strawberries
The Problem: While filming Food Inc., director Robert Kenner, founder of FixFood.org, says he wanted to film strawberry farmers applying pesticides to their fields. "The workers wear these suits to protect themselves from the dozens and dozens of known dangerous pesticides applied to strawberries," he says. "When I saw this, I thought to myself, if this is how berries are grown, I don't really want to eat them anymore. I haven't been able to eat a nonorganic strawberry ever since."