Why we need pain?
When we have tooth pain, we might turn to a dentist or a doctor for help. What remedy we will get?
We might get painkiller, a remedy with instant effect. How wonderful! But painkiller simply numb our nerve. It doesn’t resolve the infection. After awhile, we need to use painkiller again. Overtime, we develop a dependance on painkillers. Many people eventually are killed by overdose of painkillers and other drugs.
We might get antibiotics, which works slower than painkillers. After several days, the bacteria are killed by antibiotics. This is great. But unfortunately, many helpful bacteria in our guts are killed by antibiotics as well. This weakens our digestive system and other functions. A less healthy you become more vulnerable to diseases in the future. In general, short term medical remedies usually are accompanied by long term suffering.
What we can do? We can take two measures: Reduce the chance of infection and improve our ability to fight bacteria.
We can brush our teeth regularly and reduce our intake of sweet stuff, which bacteria like. We can rinse our mouth after eating sweet stuff. These all reduce the food source for bacteria.
We can improve our immune system by changing our life style: Spend less time on screen and be active more. When our blood flows better, more immune cells can be transported to needed places easier. For tooth pain, I find rubbing around the mouth particularly effective. It will help blood in that area circulate better.
For athletic people, being active is easy. But for sedentary people, pain is the only drive to keep ourselves active and healthy. That’s why we need pain. When painkillers remove our pain, our health will soon deteriorate.