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卫生部推荐中药治疗猪流感把国格都侮辱了 / 作者:王澄
送交者: 好文欣赏 2009年05月02日16:41:29 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话
  卫生部推荐中药治疗猪流感把国格都侮辱了   作者:王澄   广东的中医在完全没有见过猪流感的情况下瞎编出抗猪流感的中药方,最可 怕的是卫生部也在没有见过猪流感的国情下向全国人民推荐中药方。(2009年4 月29日卫生部办公厅关于印发《人感染猪流感诊疗方案(2009版)》的通知)我从 猪流感在墨西哥爆发一开始就十分关注中国的可能流行情况以及国际上对中国的 态度。“据中通社武汉二十八日消息:正当猪流感疫情引发世人恐慌之际,中国 工程院院士陈焕春二十七日向媒体披露,华中农业大学早已研製出猪流感疫苗, 现尚待国家有关部门验收发文。”而WHO和全世界所有的国家对于这个消息理都 没理会,全当没有这回事。   5月1日美国的报道说,But it will take several months before the first pilot lots begin required human testing to ensure the vaccine is safe and effective. If all goes well, broader production could start in the fall. “还需要几个月的时间美国才能获得第一批试用(抗猪病毒)疫 苗供人体安全和有效性实验。如果成功,大众使用将在秋季开始。”   科学家现在开始担心这个猪流感会在今年秋天卷土重来,所以美国想要生产 6亿支疫苗。很明显,美国看到了这个“灾害商机”,美国只有3亿人,又不一定 每个人都要打,为什么要生产6亿支?就是准备向全世界出售,很可能国际上的 订单都已经到了美国生物制品厂商手里。中国院士陈焕春说他(比美国提前半年) 已经研制出来了疫苗,却没人过问和订货,区别就在于公信力。我在西方看得很 清楚,中国医疗界的落后和中国人说谎在国际上路人皆知。当今的世界,如果中 国人不说谎就没有说谎的民族了;如果中国卫生部不说谎,世界上就没有说谎的 卫生部了,这已经是国际常识了。萨斯的时候不是中国的院士说病原是支原体吗? 事后中国官方强迫大家接受“中药可以治疗萨斯”,国际上只好假装没有听到。 这次更绝,中国居然在没有遇到猪流感病人的情况下就发明出能够治疗猪流感的 中药方,并经国家卫生部推荐,还能有比这个更荒唐的事吗?从古到今,从西到 中,全世界都从来没有听说过一个国家的卫生部会说谎,这下让全世界人民开开 眼。   胡锦涛跟墨西哥领导人说,“在这次抗击猪流感的工作中,我们愿意向你们 提供帮助”,我听了都脸红,不知道胡锦涛要拿什么东西去帮助墨西哥,假药?   附录: 1   5月1日最新消息: 中国疾控中心并表示,用于生产针对此次人感染H1N1A型流 感病毒疫苗的毒株,预计将在5月中旬送抵中国,中国制造的疫苗预计最快可在三 个月后问世.   附录: 2   2009年5月1日早晨4时的报道   Vaccine promised as U.S. swine flu cases pass 100   U.S. authorities are pledging to eventually produce enough swine flu vaccine for everyone but the shots couldn't begin until fall at the earliest.   Worries about the spread of the virus mounted Thursday as the nation's swine flu caseload passed 100, and nearly 300 schools closed in communities across the country. Federal officials had to spend much of the day reassuring the public it's still safe to fly and ride public transportation after Vice President Joe Biden said he wouldn't recommend it to his family.   Scientists were racing to prepare the key ingredient to make a vaccine against the never-before-seen flu strain — if it's ultimately needed. But it will take several months before the first pilot lots begin required human testing to ensure the vaccine is safe and effective. If all goes well, broader production could start in the fall.   "We think 600 million doses is achievable in a six-month time frame" from that fall start, Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Craig Vanderwagen told lawmakers.   "I don't want anybody to have false expectations. The science is challenging here," Vanderwagen told reporters. "Production can be done, robust production capacity is there. It's a question of can we get the science worked on the specifics of this vaccine."   Until a vaccine is ready, the government has stockpiled anti-viral medications that can ease flu symptoms or help prevent infection. The medicines are proving effective.   Reassurances from top health officials didn't stop the questions from coming.   An estimated 12,000 people logged onto a Webcast where the government's top emergency officials sought to cut confusion by answering questions straight from the public: Can a factory worker handling parts from Mexico catch the virus? No. Can pets get it? No.   And is washing hands or using those alcohol-based hand gels best? Washing well enough is the real issue, answered Dr. Richard Besser, acting chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He keeps hand gel in his pocket for between-washings but also suggested that people sing "Happy Birthday" as they wash their hands to make sure they've washed long enough to get rid of germs.   Although it is safe to fly, anyone with flu-like symptoms shouldn't be traveling anywhere, unless they need to seek medical care.   The swine flu outbreak penetrated over a dozen states and even touched the White House, which disclosed that an aide to Energy Secretary Steven Chu apparently got sick helping arrange President Barack Obama's recent trip to Mexico but that the aide did not fly on Air Force One and never posed a risk to the president.   So far U.S. cases are mostly fairly mild with one death, a Mexican toddler who visited Texas with his family — unlike in Mexico where more than 160 suspected deaths have been reported. Most of the U.S. cases so far haven't needed a doctor's care, officials said.   Still, the U.S. is taking extraordinary precautions — including shipping millions of doses of anti-flu drugs to states in case they're needed. The World Health Organization is warning of an imminent pandemic because scientists cannot predict what a brand-new virus might do. A key concern is whether this spring outbreak will resurge in the fall.   The CDC confirmed 109 cases Thursday, and state officials confirm 22 more. Cases now are confirmed in New York, Texas, California, South Carolina, Kansas, Massachusetts, Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Delaware, Maine, Colorado, Georgia and Minnesota.
  王澄可真够不要脸 - Godfather 05/06/09 (285)
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