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送交者: 蓝色玫瑰 2010年04月10日23:00:45 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

此文摘自 “Southern Living"

1. The Dish on Goodness: Fruits and vegetables increase your intake of cancer-fighting antioxidants. Fiber-rich foods boost satiety, which helps with weight loss.
2. Snooze and Win: Consider a midday nap. The reduction of stress may help lower your risk of heart attacks.
3. Run From the Sun: Switch to a moisturizer with sunscreen. Your healthnest glow will be from having clear, soft skin for years to come.
4. Laugh It Up: No matter what makes us laught, it's the closet thing to exercise when it comes to working the abs. It release serotonin and dopamine that enhance our sense of well-being.
5. Broaden Your Palette: Lift your spirits by adding color to your life. It can inspire you to love your surroundings.
6. Less Stress, More Happiness: Ongoing stress can lead to all sorts of problems, such as sleep trouble, headaches, and lack of energy. Get a grip on tension: Find what relaxes you, and then do it.
7. Work It Out: Make strength training part of your exercise toutine to improve bone density, muscle strength, and overall fitness. Aim for 15 to 20 minutes on alternate days tree times a week.
8. Take Charge: It's upto you. Know what makes you happy and sad, and steer your life in the direction you choose instead of being blown about by everyone else. Break the mold. Create your future on purpose, not by default!
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