华欢笑:经常使用手机是否安全 |
送交者: 华欢笑 2011年03月04日13:17:02 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话 |
手机现在已经成为我们日常生活中不可缺少的通讯工具。它体积小,功能多,使用方便,可以随身携带。有人形容,携带一部多功能手机,相当于携带一部小型电脑。由此可见,手机在我们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。同时,我也读过几篇文章,其中谈到有关经常使用手机不安全的报道,主要是讲频繁,长时间的使用手机有可能导致患脑部神经瘤的风险,患脑癌的风险也有可能提高。尤其是手机辐射所带来的隐患往往是多年后才会出现。这样的争论已经持续了很长时间。这些说法还有待于更多,更严谨的科学实验加以证明;目前,也没有任何科学实验证明频繁使用手机安全的报告。对于这些报道的科学性,也是仁者见仁,智者见智。 (来自百度) 美国著名匹兹堡大学癌症研究所主任赫贝曼博士前天向3000名教职员发出警告,指打手机有致癌风险,应限制用量。据香港《文汇报》报道,这是首次有大型研究机构发出类似警告,赫贝曼表示,警告是根据未公开的初步研究结果而发出,是要防患未然,若等到有切实证据才行动便会太迟。 (来自2011年2月22日美国“HealthDay News”) A one-hour cell phone conversation stimulates the areas of your brain closest to the phone's antenna, but experts say they still have no idea whether these effects pose any long-term health risk. "We don't know whether this is detrimental or whether it could have some potential beneficial effects. We don't know one way or the other," said Dr. Nora Volkow, who is lead author of the study published in the Feb. 23 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. "Studies need to be done to see if there are long-lasting consequences. It's an important question." For the time being, the best bet is to use an ear piece or the speaker phone, "particularly in children and adolescents whose brains are much more vulnerable to insults of certain kinds," said Volkow, who is director of the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse. For this study, 47 volunteers were brought into a lab at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, where they had cell phones positioned at both their left and right ears. Researchers measured metabolism of glucose in the brain -- a measure of how hard the organ is working -- using positron emission tomography (PET) scans. Metabolism in the orbitofrontal cortex and temporal pole regions of the brain, those closest to the antenna, was about 7 percent higher when the right phone was in the "on" position than when both phones were off. Dr. Nora Volkow, Director, NIDA, NIH (Nora D. Volkow, M.D., director, National Institute on Drug Abuse, U.S. National Institutes of Health) |
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