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春季脚步声伴随着花粉过敏 (Flower Season and Allergy)
送交者: GreatSouth 2013年03月29日09:05:46 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

Well, the good news is that most people can now enjoy the beautiful spring, the season of flowers.  There are, however, about 20-25% of population in my area who are afraid of entering the season.   This year the pollen season was late but finally came.  It is peaking this week, and is likely to continue its peak for the entire next week.


On the sunny side, my 16 year regional allergy is gradually coming to an end, at least seemingly so.  The extent of suffering is so much less this year than in other years.  


Wishing you never had this problem or experience a less suffering season this year.

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