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Kissing Tips (ZT)
送交者: hebiancao 2001年12月03日23:06:27 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

Kissing Tips compiled by Joelle Klein

"Anyone who's a great kisser, I'm always interested in." --Cher

Who isn't? Kissing is up there with my all-time favorite activities. And while there may be a "high season" for smooching (from Christmas to New Year's and right through Valentine's Day), kissing is always in style. Which is why how-to-kiss-better tips are welcome any time of year. Here are a few pucker-up pointers from our members:

"Make it last. A kiss that you want someone to remember has to be long, slow, juicy, and very enticing. That person should always remember it, and even more so because it's the holidays." --pebble22

"The sweetest kiss to me is one that begins with a gentle touch between my lips and then intensifies with different body and hand movements. Like tracing your fingers over their back or cuddling up really close to them and sifting your fingers through their hair. Really sweet stuff." --tienkah

"If you keep your eyes slightly opened, you'll see what is happening (you'll remember it better that way), but not too wide because it could be distracting to your partner, and it takes the dreaminess out of the kiss." --Michelle

"Let your lips relax and keep your mouth slightly open. The moisture of your mouth keeps the kiss softer and tender as it endures. The softest part of your lips are inside." --Michelle

"Make sure your mouth tastes good. No one likes kissing someone who tastes like whatever meal they just consumed, or the taste of cigarettes. Pucker up!" --tienkah

"Licking the back of your partner's teeth. Slowly. Wow!" --Brian

"Set the stage with the room aglow with candles and just the tree lights. Nice music, traditional Christmas songs, no TV, no phones, no kids. Share a glass of champagne, a candy cane, and pretend like it's the first time." --Lindsey

"Don't forget to use your hands and body to amplify the moment." --Brian

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