Pregnancy, Poverty & Medicaid zt |
送交者: cruise 2002年09月26日15:18:47 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话 |
The following information is for all those pregnant sisters who feel financially challenged for medical insurance for now. Special Medicaid Coverage If you are pregnant, Medicaid may pay for your prenatal care. If you are pregnant and HIV positive, Medicaid may pay for counseling and medication to reduce the possibility of transmitting HIV to your baby, and treatment for your HIV infection. Your eligibility for Medicaid continues automatically for up to 90 days after you deliver your baby, and depending on the State in which you live, may continue for 1 year after you deliver your baby. Your eligibility after that will be redetermined separately. Medicaid is a health insurance program for certain individuals that is funded and administered through a State-Federal partnership. Medicaid eligibility income limits are increased for pregnant women in all States to provide prenatal care (including HIV treatment, if necessary) to assure the healthiest possible pregnancy. To find out if you meet the expanded eligibility requirements, contact your local or county medical assistance, welfare, or social services office. The number should be listed in the blue pages of your telephone directory. If you are unable to find that number, contact your State Medicaid Office It is now easier for pregnant women to get Medicaid coverage. The following tables list the percentages of the Federal poverty level that States have elected to use as their income limits for determining Medicaid eligibility for pregnant women. To find out if you may qualify for Medicaid, locate your State in the right hand column of Table 1, then match it with the Federal poverty level (FPL) required by your State (example: 133 percent of the FPL). However, many States also do not count some types or amounts of income to determine eligibility, so you could have more income than is shown below for a family of your size in your State and still be eligible. Contact your local or county medical assistance, welfare, or social services office to see if you qualify. Poverty Level Percentage Required for Pregnant Women to Qualify for Medicaid Table 2
Table 2 Family Size 100% Poverty* 133% Poverty** 150% Poverty 185% Poverty*** 200% Poverty****
** Denotes income level for mandatory Medicaid coverage of pregnant women and of the newborn for 1 full year as long as the child continues to live with the mother. *** Denotes income level for mandatory coverage of children under 6 years old. **** Denotes income level States may chose for coverage of pregnant women and the newborn child for one full year as long as the child continues to live with the mother. Also, through a special (1115) waiver, States can increase the income level to 200 percent of the FPL or more. In some States, the income level for Medicaid eligibility during pregnancy is even higher. To find out if you meet the requirements for expanded eligibility, please contact your local or county medical assistance, social services or welfare office. The number should be listed in the blue pages of your telephone directory. If you are unable to find that number, contact your State Medicaid Office. To contact the person listed in the CMS regional office nearest to you, if you have questions about CMS's Maternal HIV Consumer Information Project. Good Luck to financially challenged pregnant sisters!
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