仔细读了那一段落,中国威胁否决绝对是事实,否则就是柬埔寨造谣 |
送交者: 零加一中 2011月02月21日07:01:58 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 你错了。上世纪末中国否决也只是传闻,并未真的行使。 由 落英缤纷 于 2011-02-21 06:01:33 |
Following the letter, the Cambodian government publicly stated that a U.N. tribunal might not be feasible because China would veto any proposal. The Chinese government informedthe U.N., however, that it would not oppose any tribunalsupported by Cambodia, but would oppose only one imposed on Cambodia against its will. 很清楚柬埔寨反对国际法庭没别的理由,只是因为中国的Veto威胁。相对于愤怒的受害者,柬埔寨政府觉得中国更不能得罪。 |
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