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謠言 is ccp; it is true
送交者: ccplie 2011月07月28日13:30:42 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 此贗品貼在天壇之後,立刻被版主刪去。難道和尚你不知道?落英繽紛 於 2011-07-28 11:23:18

Mao sold many in USSR's ccp-CCP secret treaty in 1946, Mao sold many in PRC-USSR

treaty 1949-50s.


USSR troops in Northeast, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia before 1958 and raped many

women based on Mao's treaties


After Stalin death, USSR own think they are unequal treaties and USSR need

treat Mao pig better. USSR own started to withdraw troops as well

as returns rails in Northeast and Dalian in Northeast.-------------

that did not show Mao did not sell before Stalin death.


Check USSR documents

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