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◉Ma\'s error zone: 1. Ma underr
送交者: 今日雨果 2018月07月20日06:47:46 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 馬光遠談中國經濟, 中南海高層拍案叫好!賈舟子 於 2018-07-18 12:52:34

◉Ma's error zone: 1. Ma underrated the impact of the SCALE of China's
total  population toward the world's ecological environment. Ecologist 
Dr. William Rees said that at present, the United States, which 
accounts for 4.7% of the world's total population, consumes 20-25% of 
the world's ecological resources, while China's population is four
times  that of the United States. If China wants to live like America.
The  level of consumption, then, China and the United States alone,
will  consume 125% of the world's ecological resources, not counting all
other  countries in the world. . .

  Ecology is ideology,pseudoscie /無內容 - _5000 07/20/18 (378)
    it has no Falsifiability  /無內容 - _5000 07/20/18 (343)
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