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Renaissance and Reformation
送交者: jingchen 2019年06月19日05:42:23 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話

Renaissance and Reformation: Centralization and Localization 

Michelangelo, a hero of renaissance, lived from 1475 to 1564. Martin Luther, a hero of reformation, lived from 1483 to 1546. The age of Michelangelo was usually described as a time of great prosperity and creativity. The age of Martin Luther was usually described as a time of extreme corruption and oppression. But they actually lived at the same time.

Renaissance, mainly happened in Italy, was a time of high art. Art is very expensive. Where did all the money come from. Italy was the center of the Catholic system. At a time when Catholic was truly catholic, Italy was the center of the world. Money poured into Italy. This generated the outpouring of great arts in Italy in the renaissance era.

While money poured into Italy, money poured out of other regions. That is the ultimate motivation of reformation. Reformers, or Protestants, attempted to cut ties with the Catholic system that was centered in Italy. So power, prestige and money will not be concentrated in Italy. Many local politicians back the reformation movement so power and money can stay local. 

Languages play an important role in determining the size of societies. Latin, like English today, was the universal language then. Bible was written in Latin in those days. Martin Luther translated Bible into German so ordinary Germans could read Bible. Similarly, other Protestants pioneers translated Bible into their own languages so religion, as well as politics and economy, became localized. 

This localization movement drained the power, prestige and money in Italy. It ended the renaissance in Italy. It also reformed and reshaped many areas in Europe into great national powers. It was a prolonged process.

Michelangelo and Martin Luther lived in the same time. But they lived in different places. Perspectives from different places can be very different.

Today, as then, people live in different places, have different political powers, possess different amount of wealth. Their favored religions, social structures and languages can be very different.

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