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Chariot (車)
送交者: jingchen 2021年12月06日08:36:05 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話

Chariot (車)

Some technical inventions have profound impacts on human societies. These impacts are so great that they are imprinted into languages.

Chariot (車)is such an invention. In Chinese language, army (軍)is a cover over chariot (車). Army is really centered on chariots. Transport, or movement, is 擼甌his is the movement of army (軍).Lucky is also 擼甒hoever have army are lucky. In general, more militant groups are more lucky.

In English, mill and military could be connected. Today, mill is mainly understood as a machine grinding grains, or a building where grains are ground . But I guess originally, mill is wheel, such as in windmill. Early grain grinding machines were powered by waterwheel, or windmill. So military is connected to mill, or wheel. M and w are often interchangeable. Mill is will and wheel. Where there is a will (wheel), there is a way. 

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