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送交者: 席琳 2022年11月06日20:04:28 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話



  • 1894年(光緒二十年),鄧世昌常曰:人誰不死,但願死得其所爾。9月17日在黃海大東溝海戰中,鄧世昌指揮致遠艦奮勇作戰,後在日艦圍攻下,致遠多處受傷全艦燃起大火,船身傾斜。鄧世昌鼓勵全艦官兵道:吾輩從軍衛國,早置生死於度外,如今之事,有死而已!倭艦專恃吉野,苟沉此艦,足以奪其氣而成事,毅然駕艦全速撞向日本主力艦吉野號右舷,決意與敵同歸於盡。倭艦官兵見狀大驚失色,集中炮火向致遠射擊,不幸一發炮彈擊中致遠艦的魚雷發射管,管內魚雷發生爆炸導致致遠艦沉沒。鄧世昌墜落海中後,其隨從以救生圈相救,被他拒絕,並說:我立志殺敵報國,今死於海,義也,何求生為!所養的愛犬太陽亦游至其旁,口銜其臂以救,鄧世昌誓與軍艦共存亡,毅然按犬首入水,自己亦同沉沒于波濤之中,與全艦官兵250餘人一同壯烈殉國,享年45歲。

可是當年在鎮遠艦上當艦長的美籍清軍軍官加教練馬吉芬(Philo Norton McGiffin)事後寫了一篇回憶文章《鴨綠江邊的海戰》(The Battle of the Yalu)。文中是這樣回憶鄧世昌的殉國過程的:

  • During the confusion of our line consequent upon being out-maneuvered, the Chen Yuen passed under our stern and joined the Lai Yuen and surviving ships of the right wing. The Ping Yuen and Kwang Ping, now coming up, threatened the Akagi and Saikio. Signals were made on the Matsushima, and the Flying Squadron maneuvered to cover the endangered vessels. About this time the Chih Yuen boldly, if somewhat foolhardily, bore down on the Flying Squadron’s line, possibly to attack the two mentioned vessels. Just what happened no one seems to know, but apparently she was struck below the waterline by a heavy shell — either a ten-inch or a thirteen-inch. Be that as it may, she took a heavy list, and, thus fatally injured, her commander, Tang Shi Chang, a most courageous albeit somewhat obstinate officer, resolved at least to avenge himself and charged one of the largest vessels, intending to ram. A hurricane of projectiles from both heavy and machine guns swept down upon his ship, the list became more pronounced, and just before getting home to his intended victim, his ship rolled over and then plunged, bows first, into the depths, righting herself as she sank, her screws whirling in the air and carrying down all hands, including the chief engineer, Mr. Purvis, a gentleman, and a most efficient officer, who was shut up in the engine room. Seven of her crew clung to one of the circular life-buoys kept on the bridge, and were drifted by the tide toward the coast, where they were rescued by a junk. The stories of these men vary so much in general as to be unreliable, but all agree on one incident. Captain Tang had a large dog of a most vicious temper, unruly at times even with his master. After the ship sank Captain Tang, who could not swim, managed to get to an oar or some small piece of wood — enough to have supported him had not his dog swum to him, and, climbing up on him, forced him to release his grasp and thus miserably drown, the brute sharing his fate — perhaps the only case on record of a man drowned by his dog.


  • 定遠艦上七個因獲救而倖存的水手對定遠艦的沉沒各執一詞,不足採信,可是對定遠艦管帶鄧世昌的犧牲,卻異口同聲的一致。鄧(世昌)管帶養了一條脾性最凶的那種大狗,有時就算是狗的主人鄧世昌在場,這條狗也很不順服。鄧因為不熟水性,在艦艇沉沒之後,他抓住了一根不知是櫓、還是一根什麼別的木頭,剛好能使他漂浮在水面之上,可是,正是鄧世昌養的這條狗,向鄧世昌游了過去,並撲到了鄧世昌的身上,使他抓不住木頭了,因此悲催地一起沉了下去,當然那狗也是同樣的命運。這也許是人類有史以來,唯一一個忠狗害死主人的紀錄了。

來自美國的馬吉芬艦長(Captain Philo Norton McGiffin,1860-1997)是一個偉大的國際主義戰士,他是美國海軍軍事學院畢業,不遠萬里,來到中國,幫助大清建立和訓練北洋海軍。










  who could not swim 不能游泳  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (255)
    可能是:因為受傷了,不能游泳。海軍軍人不會游泳?  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (248)
      你的英語閱讀能力太差了!  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (254)
          從上面維基百科,其學歷看, 鄧世昌不可能不識水性不會游泳  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (263)
            歐洲美國的中學教育里都有游泳課。要求人人會游泳。  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (254)
              1949 之前的教會學校都是歐美標準。  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (241)
                更何況是最早一批科班出身海軍軍官,教員都是西方海軍教員  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (242)
          你說鄧世昌 不識水性,不會游泳。 這是彌天大謊!  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (254)
            英文原文是 who can not swim 不能游泳  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (240)
              who could not swim  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (246)
        黎元洪也是落水的北洋海軍軍人。就獲救了。  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (257)
          who could swim  /無內容 - a自由人 11/15/22 (238)
  唯一一個忠狗害死主人的紀錄了 - foxnews 11/11/22 (193)
    英語太爛,數學更差! 呵呵  /無內容 - a自由人 11/14/22 (235)
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